Nightmare #1

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A/N:There will be a bit of a warning of suicide and lots of blood.. uhh weird thing is how am I suppose to do this ;-; sorry I will let u guys have a nice look of this

Nunny's Pov:

As I drifted off the bed I thought at first things would have gone okay maybe things are getting better...I was wrong.

As I drifted off I slowly saw a looked liked Ashlynn's and somehow the neighborhood it's strange that this is the middle of the afternoon..yet nobody is here even her mom. I decided to make my way inside which I don't normally do because..well I don't want to be a stranger but people know me.

As I walked first it was quiet and a bit dark so I turned on the lights and realised that things weren't going too well as I thought..there were a lot of medication on tables lots of sorrow notes..even one for me It had names she called me her nugget mom, her child, her protector..but it sounds strange.. what does she mean by that?

As I checked around still things were silent and steady the tv was static like listening to the same static over and over again, there was little lighting in the house and a very bad smell.

I could hear a cat meowing from upstairs 'oh she did get a cat I almost forgot' I said in my head and ran upstairs. It was lying in the floor..I felt so scared that as the cat looked at me their eyes, silver soft wide eyes that were filled with hurt and exhaustion

it was skinny, dirty and really tired..the poor thing is dying..and yet I cannot do anything..I had no choice but sing the little one asleep. There was a song Ashlynn sang to but before I could sing, something caught me in the corner of my eye, a door was almost closed and yet I haven't even noticed it.

As I got up and walked to the door I saw redish glowing in the room, a older Women with dyed red hair is somehow in the the room, with a dark cold laugh and getting a left by a portal and now it was silent. I took a small step before slowly and softly pushing the door til my heart eyes grew wide. I cannot believe I saw Ashlynn..but she wasn't good..oh no...She is dead.

I took a good look at her, she was already pail her eyes wide, her body limp and as I touched and held her hand it was cold..she was already gone long ago..what is even going on!? As I raced down the stairs things slowly started to dissapear starting from Ashlynn who slowly started to dissapear so I ran out quickly and fast since I know this isn't real then things disappeared faster getting closer to nothing I raced outside and soon half of everything was gone as I ran to stay I was about to fall into nothing, everything was spinning and quick and as I tried to get to the parts of now a corrupted world I could see and feel myself falling into nothing all I saw was darkness soon I had enough and closed my praying that it will being me back alive or anything to I hit something.

I scream when I realised I flopped onto bed knowing it was just a nightmare, I looked outside and it was already and took out my phone realizing it is the weekend, I decided that maybe I should send someone to watch over Lindy since today..I barely had the time to think do I'll ask a few of my friends..I just hope whatever I saw wasn't real. I'll probably ask my friends if they had weird dreams lately.

A/n:Hoi!! So umm this chapter is very short but that was for the chapter so there will be more soon since school is busy than I thought- (it's not easy) but things r getting better thanks and see ya later I fix up Jasmines story soon ^^

Mae out✌🏻🧡

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