Its just another day

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As a whole new day started it was just the same, getting up early. Bullcrap, and I heard today Schools gonna be quick today and I couldn't wait to just get though the day it could never make my day better but before I left I watched TV since that's normally what I do every morning but as I turned it on the news caster said '19 year old Ashlynn Repizenki was found dead in her home. People said she died from suicide and problems due to her family' I was stunned that was exactly what I saw in my dream..she was hanging and it was what said on the tv..I was slowly getting paranoid from this and decided to get Linlads ready for school.

As I arrive at school I decided to just get through the day but before I did I decided to go see Brenna since I know she isn't far but I wanted to see her since everyone is just with others nowadays. Even I don't even know what happens from here to there again I honestly don't care about cause it's not that important to me. I caught up to brenna and turns out she has the exact emotion I have, tired and annoyed from this whole drama thing going on.

As we kept walking we were just asking about how we are doing and what happened throughout the past week and such, so I just listened, her day was good though she had no idea that people are having issues throughout the school day, I nodded back as well since it's not everyday someone goes missing once in awhile even people are just either thinking or wondering about our day, honestly it feels like a nightmare. Even I had no idea this was gonna happen.

Timeskip (I'm sorry ;-;)

As of today I finally managed to get out of that prison..yeah school takes forever but the weekend goes by so quick that it takes 1 second from each day. Anyways as I was just walking down I decided to take a stroll down and wondering how this Is gonna go since I didn't have homework which is nice and I just need sleep..the #1 thing sleep.. I couldn't help it since I had trouble sleeping on weekends that its hard to understand school, luckily its June and school ends around the block just 3 more days and our torture is over. I somehow haven't seen Brandon a lot lately and I feel like something happened throughout the time on the weekend..and yet he was there but now..he isn't maybe he is with his friends and stuff.

As I get home, I check on Linlada just to make sure she was alright and well, as I look in her room she is just doing her homework as needed but as she turned her head towards me she smiled and waved knowing I'm there and as I smile back at her I know she was alright so I decided to go down stairs to double check on ehat I'm doing these pasts days are not even that close to being done but as I prepare I will embrace myself for the risk.

As I was just checking up on some other homework I found an old book beside me while working 'it's dads old book' I said thoughtly My dad's old books always make me smile seeing my dad younger and able to move freely but since he passed way before I made it to highschool it just broke me but I kept focus and held onto the books while working on homework.

As I already tucked Linlada to bed I was very tired to the point where I need to shut my eyes otherwise I might pass out or so, I entered my room without hesitating and got right into bed, these days are not easy but just 2 more days Nunny and soon freedom with arrive.

A/n: and this is where I'm leaving off and I apologize for my absence I was working hard at school and the fact that I almost forgot to say my gacha stuff got reset so the problem is the characters are gonna be remade because of how my phone treated my data ;-; and I really can't think straight but I'm trying so I apologize for all of this but anyways have a good day

Mae out✌🏻🧡

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