Hello again Old friend

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A/n: yep more characters :> again I keep getting writers block.. so uhh yeah- here also this is a bit of a twist but here

Eathan's Pov: As of a new morning happened. Nunny is tending to get more stranger and stranger by the day, but it sadden me that she lost most of her friends and family.. even me, her close friend is really hurting me to see everyone we know gone, though some people even hurt nunny in the past she just forgets and forgives

Today though was special, Brooklyn and I were picking up our Cousin Noah and Jonas because their going to be staying with us for a while, I wonder how Nunnalyn will feel when they come back to see each other again.. but I don't know anyways gotta get my mind in the game Eathan it's not like everyday is something special even on days for Nunnalyn herself.

I just hope things get along well..

*5 minutes later*

Brooklyn's Pov:

As we both picked up our cousins they talked non-stop ever since their arrival, I'm just hoping Noah can at least tall to Nunnalyn and see how things go and hopefully not get things worse for the both of them.

*after they arrived*

Haha, Noah's Pov:

As we made our way to Nunnalyn's house her house looks pretty cozy and  quite a view I could see Nunnalyn through the front window washing dishes, as she looked up her face changed from a normal relaxed face to a surprised and filled with excitement and put the rest of her dishes away.

As we got out of the car we left our suitcases in the car since this is Nunnalyns house not Eathans so we decided to stop by. Eathan knocked on the door and as the door opens, we get to see not only a friend I knew but..something felt off of Nunnalyn's house she did look sad as she opened the door but it's like she shook it off and went with it. "hi everyone" she said softly and her smile was never gone it was still there but filled with bits of sorrow. "Ayyy Nunnalyn" I said she ayyed back knowing that our jokes never get old. We walked inside and the atmosphere felt cozy and safe, we saw a little girl sitting on the couch and thought something was off "Hewwo" she said with a smile and wave, she definitely looks like her..wait is this Nunnalyn's little sister or daughter- "Nunnalyn is this your daughter?" I said quietly "haha nope that's Linlada my little sister" she said back I gave a "oh" expression and felt a bit of guilt "hey kiddo" I said Linlada looked at me and smiled with a bright smile.

After Nunnalyn's talk about what happened, we were so guilty for Nunnalyn for how many people she lost it was heart breaking. Even her only family was her little sister Linlada and wait..didn't she still liked Aiden ever since their break up? Or are they in good hands...hmm I'll ask her at some point.

As we spend a few more hours at her place Eathan looked at his watched and with a look of surprise he said "ohh boy! Well we probably should be going Nunny it's past time and we gotta get Noah and Jonas home!" Nunnalyn smiled with her wonderful smiles and said "ohh alrighty you guys go ahead! Me and Lindy got things to do as well" she said I did feel bad but we gotta do what we gotta do since Nunnalyn does need time off it does hurt me to see her like this but as long as she takes good care of Lindy and herself that's totally fine.

We said goodbye at the last second before hopping into the car, even for a fact that Nunny has been trying so hard, she tries her hardest to get the job done. As we drove off I look back to see if Nunnalyn was there and turns out she was, sitting on the porch and Lindy waving her hand and jumping up and down, it made me smile and think how things haven't changed..Oh shoot I almost forgot about Lily and Nathan! Geez..what a day.

BONUS: *Haha yeah this is a bonus for yall so umm here*

Nunnalyn's pov:

As I was just about to head to bed, a few slight 3 knocks came from the door.

"Who the hell is at the door at 10 at night..?" As I walked to the door I opened it and to my surprise it was no other than Aiden.

"Hey" he said
"Hi" I said back "what are you doing here at 10 at night?" I said becoming curious
As he explained that he just wanted to stop by and say hello to me and wanted to talk for a bit, since it was Friday I suppose I could talk with him...little did I know I wasn't expecting something that would happen later on.

As I let him inside he checks out the house and looks around. Then once he see's the living room he decides to sit on the couch and we were just talkin about how days were going, how was life and just spending time for ourselfs. "So uhh do you like anyone?" I said he then looks out me with surprise and somehow I was concerned he never gave me that look before, wide eyes, mouth slightly opened and his face was pure shock "say that again?" He said looking at me I gave an small awkward laugh before repeating what I said. At first he mumbled stuff I couldn't fully here. "You like who?" Then he sighed came closer to me and looked me in the eyes and yet I couldn't understand this feeling..get your head together Nunnalyn this isn't suppose to effect yourself or him!
"I may like you.." he said his voice then sounded calm, gentle and yet with such in a way I couldn't tell it made my..heart sink..wait why do I feel butterflies..? This doesn't feel right. "Aiden.." I said my voice came out quiet yet easy to hear, worse yet my heart was beating 2 times faster than usual the sadness I was feeling fo months has finally gone for only for a bit but it really made me feel..loved and seeing him is just making me feel all bubbly and happy.."you know..even if I did hide my feelings I still liked you ever since we broke up and..maybe have a second try?" I said he even saw in my eyes on how I felt and he wants come back back..I know tis wrong but.. a second try this will only be his second chance. "I'll always be here, no matter the cause or problem I will" he swore I smiled "and I wil do the same no matter what will stop me from getting to you" we both had an embrace and this was the first time I hugged him, he was warm gentle and yet so embraced and comfortable with it. "So..you going to go home..or you wanna stay for the night?" He looked at me and said "I'll stay with you tonight, just to make sure you actually get sleep" I laughed hysterically at the moment and he did to, I lead him to my room and we managed to get in bed but before I drifted off, he put his arms around my waste and held me close.

"Goodnight sweetheart"
And then a smiled appeared on both our faces
"Goodnight Honey"
I said

A/n:Okay so uhh..yeah been gone for quite awhile and I hope yall are doin well wherever you are I hope you have been asking care of yourself and if not go get a drink of water, take a walk, relax and have a good day or night :) anyways I'll be gone for awhile but at it I hoped this was good and probably will take a long time but yeah thank you for your patience love ya!

Mae out✌🧡

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