Chapter 54: You're Drunk

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[Jacob's POV]

It was always great to get out of the house when my father had found something to get angry about. For more reasons than just one.

My father wasn't terrible, I knew that, he was trying to teach me and guide me towards the sort of life he thought was moral and productive. But he also wasn't perfect and I wasn't stupid enough to think that his treatment of my brother and I was coming from a good place. Whatever he wanted for us these were excuses. When he punished us, screaming red in the face, spit flying, it was very apparent that he was just angry, and he wanted us to react, somehow in someway, even though I could never figure out exactly what he wanted.

When we got home he had his final words with me before I was allowed to leave to deliver the homework to Akara. It came with a nice heavy handed smack with the back of his hand, and his knuckles had hit my jaw so hard I had to double check my reflection to make sure there was nothing there.

I liked bruises, just not on me, and not without control. To see the mark of your punishment on someone looking perfect, controlled and even, and see them respond well to it... It felt like a compliment.

I ignored him when I left the house and he said goodbye and let him stew in his own angry broth. He would calm down when he felt like it.

Michael was still in the car, having heard our conversation he knew to wait.

I contemplated taking a bike over there but the idea of showing up sweating and looking like a dishevelled idiot put me off. I wanted to look presentable.

We got in and drove and I checked my phone as we eased our way out through the electric gates. I ignored texts from unknown numbers, a lot of students found my phone number in the prefect yearbook and called to get help with tutoring or have me speak to teachers on their behalf for various things. 

When we arrive I tucked my phone away and looked around for the number on the file I had been given and headed down the street, turning to make sure Michael was going to leave, which he did.

However I was not, apparently, alone.

Just as I was about to head towards the house I realised someone else had joined me from around the corner. A recognisable face. Atlas.

He saw me at the same time as I saw him and we both froze.

He hunched forwards in the way that he did when he tried to look all unfazed and uninterested and I narrowed my eyes.

What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, looking annoyed.

My mouth grew into a thin line. "I am his mentor, I need to deliver his homework."

He didn't have anything to say to that, as well he shouldn't, and I continued walking. He walked beside me. "You knew he wasn't coming?" He asked, sounding surly.

I shook my head.

He huffed, sticking his hands in his pockets as he walked. "So he just skipped or something? Bold."

I turned my head. "Why are you here? You have some secret homework for him I don't know about?" I snapped, standing still.

He glared at me, trying to look imposing but even with the way he leaned forwards our height matched and just because his handsome face was leaning in didn't make me feel any need to back up.

"He owes me something." He said finally, deciding to continue walking after all.

I caught up easily and raised an eyebrow. I was expecting a little more vitriol than that.

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