Chapter 13: Give It Back 2.0

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The changing room was a mess when I got back. Boys were in various states of undress busy each doing their own thing. Some apparently felt a shower wasn't necessary, some did. Some were busy hosing themselves down with Axe deodorant and I choked on a little cloud of it as I walked by to access my little spot in the corner.

That was when I noticed my bag on the floor, my gym bag that is, my backpack had already been on the floor but tucked under the bench. That appeared to be untouched, unlike my bag.

My stomach dropped. Oh yeah. I thought. Atlas had been alone with my things.

I winced as I rifled through my bag, worried at what I might find. Answer? Nothing. Nothing appeared to be misplaced, all of my clothes were there and smelling significantly not clean, or at least not like he might have pissed on them or done something equally shitty. Ultimately, it seemed okay.

I breathed a sigh of relief and put it back.

I caught his gaze from across the room and wondered if I'd missed anything but was pretty sure there was no way.

I pulled out the small towel I had and a pair of boxers and made for the showers, tossing my shirt on my gym bag, turning back to pull out my soap.

The school showers were shit but I was going to enjoy having a long one even if the water was only barely lukewarm and bordering on cold.

I stepped inside and the first thing I noticed was the shower tiles were a light blue rather than the weird faded camo green I was used to. The next thing I noticed was the shower heads were way bigger and the third fucking thing I noticed was they worked pretty much like regular showers. Actually better.

Whaddya know. School. Fucking. Favouritism. 

All this time I'd just assumed it was how the showers here worked, like that was how it was for everyone and there was never going to be any change. Seeing that the better students got these magical hot massage shower machines made me feel some kind of irritation. I wasn't about to start picketing or anything but part of me did want to run over to the dicks in my form and tell them about it.

Hell, if I'd have known I'd probably have snuck into their showers for a wash instead of using our garbage ones. 

I closed the door behind me. That was another nice thing. In my forms showers there were cubicles but the doors on three out of six were missing. I'm not sure what happened to them, to be fair it was likely because some nut job in our form went and tested the strength of them and ended up having them slammed down from the hinges, but I doubted nothing needed repairs in here.

I sighed. Enough getting pissed about how much better their showers are.

I basked in the spray of the warm water. I felt all the stress of the day sinking into the drain behind me along with my sweat and embarrassment and fear.

Standing here like this, completely calm, made me think about things differently.

I guess it was a little my fault. Really the guilt had to be shared by both of us if I look at things even semi-logically but there was no way either of us would be happy with thinking about things that way.

I would just need to take this one day at a time. At some point it'll all work out. If it doesn't I'll probably just have to burn the school down.

That really would be my fault of course, but for a good cause.

I switched the water off and gave my hair a quick tussle with the towel. I sighed, I could probably spend the rest of the school day under this shower if I wouldn't end up spanked by Mr-impressive-school-prefect who apparently thinks he's my personal coach now. 

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