chpt 11

663 41 37


"Y/n wake up..... y/n..... (thud).... "pssssp". My forehead stings. "What is it?" I whisper to my older brother who just flicked my forehead. "I need to talk to you" V said with a serious tone. That woke me straight up.

I followed Taehyung to his room which was across from mine and saw a green suitcase with some of his stuff already tucked neatly inside. "I need to ask you a question" Taehyung said as he was folding his pants. I nodded my head and said "ask away".

Taehyung stopped his folding and looked up making eye contact with me and asked "Do you wanna come to the city and stay at my place for the rest of your break?" I didn't know what to say. Yes? No?

I stood there contemplating what my options are:

Option 1 : stay here where its peaceful and quiet. No distractions ( not including irene). I can train almost anywhere.

Option 2 : save money on gas and shorter drive.

"I'll think about it" I said as I pondered my options. I left his room and went back to mine. Going back to sleep doesn't sound so bad but I need a second opinion about what my decision should be. I quickly scan my room to find my phone and send a text to Jeongyeon. Asking what she thinks about what my brother has offered me.
After pressing the send button I went back to dream land.

"Why am I not surprised?" I ask when Jeongyeon told me what option she chose. "What? I think it's a great opportunity to cut our road trip and have more time to celebrate every win you'll get" Jeongyeon says as she messages my shoulders. " I don't care about that I just don't know if I can deal with being a third wheel" I said as I roll my eyes as i imagine myself being alone with my brother and his girlfriend in his apartment. Ewww.

Jeongyeon stops massaging my back  and looks down at me with a worried expression." Look if you think it's to much then you can come back to your parents just try to make it until the our city business is over, ok?" I nod my head and then she hugs me from behind.


Taehyung's apartment isn't as small as i imagined it to be. It has two bedrooms, bathrooms, a small kitchen, and living space. Well at least i get my own room and bathroom. As I was unpacking my bag Taehyung popped his head into the room and said "I forgot to buy groceries so I'm going to be gone for a bit" I nodded and then heard the front door open and close.

It took a few minutes but I finished unpacking my clothes. I went to the bathroom to unpack more of my stuff when all of a sudden I heard the door open and close. My senses knew it wasn't Taehyung coming back from grocery shopping. The bathroom was connected to my bedroom so I made my way to the bedroom door that connected to the hall. I got my stance ready to attack the intruder from behind if the door did open.




I put my arms around the person. One arm around their waist and the other on their mouth. I pushed the intruder against the wall. I put my body against their back so I could have the advantage in this situation. It would be very difficult to move in this position. I noticed it was a female so I let go of my grip and hands. It was no intruder but Irene.

Our bodies were still close together. "I-I'm sorry I thought you were a robber or something" I said awkwardly giggling a bit. Our breathing was still not stable because no one was moving from their spots. I should be the one moving away from her because I'm basically crushing her against the wall. She should push me if she doesn't want to be this close to me.

My mind was coming up with reasons about why she hasn't pushed me away or why I haven't pushed myself away. So she can have her personal space. Goodness I'm such an asshole for not moving but I feel so warm being this close with her.

No goodness no. She doesn't feel the same. I laugh a little with the absurd idea that she has feelings for me. I push myself away and catch my breath feeling like I just ran a few miles. "My brother went grocery shopping if you're looking for him" I say as I keep my eyes on the floor.

We make our way to the living room and sit on completely different couches. She turns on the t.v and flips through the channels my brother's t.v has to offer. The next minutes are dead silent and only the t.v is the only noise that is heard across the apartment even though I can only hear my heart beating like crazy.

I grab my phone from my jean pockets and check if Jeongyeon has send more information about my next fight. I angle phone to not let Irene see what I am up too. In the mean time I keep hoping V hurries so this atmosphere between me and Irene can just disappear.

  ok just got the information for your next one. It's Saturday and your next oponent goes by the name of August D.
  Wtf kinda name is that?!?  Sounds more like a rapper's name more than a fighter's name.

   let's go tonight and get intell about him. You in?

I replied with a "hell yeH" and put my phone away. My attention shifts to the T.V. infront of us. "So how's college" Irene questions me. "It's good" I answer blandly. Irene asks another question,
"you got anyone special over there". "Unfortunately no I do not".

"How are you and my brother doing? If he's not treating you right then say the word and I'll teach him a lesson" I tell her with a serious look. "We're good and I very much doubt you can win in a fight against him" Irene says giggling the last part. I just scoff and smirk at her response.  "Excuse me ma'am but I can just hit him in the eye or hit him where the sun does not shine. Then boom I win. Oh if you she knew what I'm actually capable of.

"I'm home" V opens the door and he comes in with some groceries in hand. "Can you get the rest out of my car downstairs" V asks me while throwing his keys at me. I nod and make my way downstairs, giving the couple some minutes of privacy.

You know my luck just likes to watch me suffer. When V said the rest of groceries I imagined a bag or two, at max three. But this bitch left me much more bags than I expected. Mom didn't raise a two trip bitch. So I started putting as much bags as my arms can hold. I make my way towards the building and to the elevators but someone legit just put a sign that said out of FUKCING ODER. V lives on the FUCKING 10th floor. Dear goodness I'm going to need a nap after this.

'FINALLY' I scream internally as I make my to V's door and kick the door with my foot hoping he could hear me and open it for me.


Complete silence. My arms are burning and hurting from the bags pressuring its way into my skin. For sure I'll have some prints from the bags on my wrists. As I was thinking about just letting go of the groceries the door opened. I saw my opportunity and bolted inside the apartment and made my way to the kitchen and grunted as I used the remaining energy i had and set the groceries on the counter. Beads of sweat wear visible on my forehead and the shirt I had under my hoodie was for sure soaked. Ok on to a shower and my well deserved nap. I make my way to my room as I flip my brother off in the process. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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