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8:30 p.m

Jeongyeon: I'll pick you up near the mountain trail.

Me: ok sounds good but I'm actually tired I hope V doesn't have a date with Irene so he can help with the chores.

Jeongyeon: oooo I didn't know V and Irene had a date today. Oh also today I met up with Jin I was gonna invite you but Jin said he was gonna hang out with you tomorrow.

Me: Yeah I'll meet you there

I changed into black shorts, a black sports bra, a black zip up hoodie, and sneakers. I'm going to being a bag with me as well.

Yeah I kinda look like ima go rob a place but I'm not, I swear..
I turned to my window and opened it ever so slowly and got myself outside the closed it back up. I speed walked to the meeting place and saw Jeongyeon laying on her hood look up at the sky. She looked so peaceful.. I'm gonna go poke her with a stick. I got the nearest stick I found and went behind her then poked her....*poke*.

"AHHHH!!!" Jeongyeon screamed in a high voice. "Woah I didn't think your voice could go that high" I teased her. "It sounds like you wanna walk yourself to the tournament" Jeongyeon teased back... hopefully she's teasing. "Hahha sorry about that so let's go before my fight begins" I said and scratched my not so itchy head.


"Ok so how'd you get the location, because I'm curious now" I asked my question out loud. "You dont need to know that you just need to know that you're gonna win this" Jeongyeon said..

We got to the location. And moved through the crowd. It was a small place which had a lot of guys that smelled like alcohol and drugs. " let's head to the Locker room" Jeongyeon with a quite loud voice because of the ruckus that was being produced by the men.
I just nodded and followed her.

It took us a few minutes to find it and when we got in the room smelled of blood, sweat, and drugs. I sat down on the bench and started to wrap my hand thats injured then looked at Jeongyeon "Alright so your opponent today is a man that's about your height, is known for his upper cut K.Os so be careful for his upper cuts, this is his territory so he's Korean, and he hasn't lost yet. So in conclusion good luck champ." Jeongyeon said then patted my shoulder.

Heads up I got no clue on how to fight so don't come for me if I got something wrong and I'm really terrible at writing fight scenes or any scene in general.

Suga and Jhope are MCs

!Mark Tuan!! Has entered the ring and I heard that his opponent is going to be a woman. Suga what are your thoughts about this? Well you see I think that Tuan will win because if you look at his stats and the fact that he hasn't lost yet and that he's a man I think this will be an easy win for him. And what about you Jhope what do you think about this?

Well suga we just have to find out because I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting fight.

POV of the Mcs

MCs talking

"Y/n Kang has just now entered the ring."
The ref is explaining the rules which are pretty basic. Rule number one is you can only use your hands and legs to fight and other than that, that's it.

Now Fight

Mark and y/n are in their fighting stance, moving around in circles around the cage while having their fist up close to their face just to be ready for any surprise attacks done by the other opponent.

Mark swings a left hook to y/n ribs. Y/n takes a step back at the last second and Mark comes up short.

Mark throws a right hook and aims right for the stomach. Poor y/n didn't have enough time and got a punch to the stomach because both hooks were right after each other. Y/n felt the air leave out of her body but tried her best to leave some distance so she can catch her breath. But Mark had different thoughts and he found his chance to win the match. Mark got closed the space that y/n made and swung an upper cut while closing his eyes expecting to come in contact with y/n's chin but was met with the ground and pain coming from his left side of his face. Y/n threw a hook before the upper cut made contact with her.
Mark shook his head trying to get out of the daze he was in trying to get up from the ground and come back to his senses because the punch was pretty strong. Y/n took her chance when Mark got up and jabbed him in the face a few times.

*ding ding ding

Round 2


Mark's face was a bit swollen and he walks like a drunk man." Look at him he's got nothing on you I mean maybe a little height but come on you can manage you're y/n after all." Jeongyeon kept talking while leaning on the cage giving me a pep talk while I try to keep breathing because I'm still affected by the hook he gave me.

We meet up at the middle and take our stances again. I take a look at my art work that I did to his face and let me tell you that it's a masterpiece.

Mark throws jab at me but barley gets me because his eye sight isn't the best right now but still his nails are pretty sharp which made a cut form next to my eye.
Great now how am I suppose to explain this to my parents and V. Mark does another quick jab and nails me in the face. Oh plz don't leave a bruise. Ok now I gotta finish it. Let's make him taste his own medicine.

*ring ring ring

I went to my corner and was met by a preppy Jeongyeon "your doing great kid I mean look at the damage you've done to the poor guy. Anyways just finish it and try not to space out because we can't afford any bruises especially the face because that's visible for your parents and their questions. Ok get your ass out there and win it"

Round 3

Mark and I meet up again in the middle and this time I'm going to act first. I do a around house kick but felt that Mark caught my leg and twisted it so I could drop to the ground. I actually caught myself and landed on my feet suprisingly.

<tbh idk what I'm writing about fighting idk why I picked fighting>

Mark was pretty surprised and that was my chance I stood up then faked a hook then gave him an upper cut he'll definitely feel in the morning . The referee counted to three then raised my hand announcing me as the winner. Jeongyeon was celebrating at the corner probably because we can go home now and the money we just won.

~~~~a long ass ride later~~~~~~

2 A.M

"Wake up..... bro wake up" Jeongyeon said. SLAP!!! " what the- Jeongyeon did you just slap me on the face". Jeongyeon said "bro you weren't waking up and we've been here for a few minutes so get out I'm tired as well you know." "Yeah ok fine I'll get out" I said as I put my hands up like I'm surrendering.
"Night" Jeongyeon said as I turned around and waved bye.

I went to my window that's opened because I left it open earlier and tip toed myself inside my own room. I got into my room quietly and safely then I took a quick shower. When I finished my shower I put on my clothes then threw myself on my bed and went to my dream land.

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