chpt 8

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Ooooooo chpt 8 already..



Morning came and I was the last one to wake up. V woke up before hand and attempted to carry me to the bed ,but couldn't so he woke me up and guided me to the bed which I then fell back to sleep immediately when my face touched the pillow.

Yeah that happened like an hour ago. So now it's 9 in the morning and I went to the kitchen and found Jin with an apron cooking breakfast. I took the stool next to V and asked
"so what we having for breakfast today?".
"Well good morning to you too and I got no clue Jin said it was going to be a surprise" V answered. Well by the looks of the ingredients and the smell I think he's making pancakes so I bet that's breakfast.

"Has Irene woken up yet?" I ask as I cath myself fiddling with my hands and making no eye contact with V.
"Yeah she has she's just been in the room texting her friends, and- hey do you know where she got that shirt?" V asked me while furrowing his eyebrows trying to remember if he had anything to do with it.
"Yeah that's um-uh my shirt that I found in the truck. I just gave it to her last night so she could sleep more comfortable" 
I responded to his question with a stutter.

We wait for breakfast and in the meantime V and I catch up on each others lives because we haven't really hung out by ourselves yet. We talked about how he can't remember anything that happened last night other than talking and dancing with Irene. We also talked about how he was a lot to handle when drunk and that's how he got his bruises.


Jin yells while V and I are legitimately right in front of him. Suga appears from their bedroom and Irene appears from the guest room. I didn't turn around to see Irene because I know if I see her in my shirt then my inner gay panic would turn on.

"Good morning darling"
V said with a smiling face as he hugs Irene.
"Good morning to you too"
Irene replys back with a smile on her face aswell. Ewww, I get up from my stool that's next to the lovebirds and make my way to the kitchen where Suga went to immediately after Jin yelled.

I arrive at the kitchen part and see Suga back hugging Jin while he's preparing himself a plate for breakfast. Suga had his head on Jin's shoulder the entire time he was putting toppings on top of his pancakes. Jin finished and then gave the final results to Suga which Suga took and smiled gratefully.

Even though their interaction was very adorable it made me feel very lonely. "Ok I'm making myself present before you guys start doing stuff" I said which startled the couple in front of me . Suga put space between him and Jin when he knew of my presence in the room. I made my plate then bolted out and sat on my stool again.

The lovebirds were still there and they were talking about their night last night and this and that. I honestly just zoned out because it didn't catch my interest what so ever. I just kept my eyes on my food and not on the way how V was back hugging Irene while she was standing and he was sitting on the stool.

After breakfast

"Ok thanks Jin for everything but we got to go. We'll hopefully see you soon again" I said while exciting his house. V and Irene already said their goodbyes and now their waiting for me in the truck which I still gotta drive back home.

Before I made it to the truck I stopped and took my phone out of my pocket and texted Jeongyeon if she made it home safe but she didn't answer which was odd but not at the same time. She only does that when she has a one night stand, which I might have an idea on who the unlucky lady is.

"Oh well" I whispered to myself while putting my phone in my back pocket  shrugging my shoulders and making my way to the truck. I got in and scanned to see if my mirrors were adjustable for me. I took a look at my rearview mirror and saw Irene smiling  which caused my lips to tug upwards automatically into a smile. The smile then altered into a pout when I saw what she was smiling at. Yes it was no other than V that she was staring at so lovingly and smiley at. I can already tell that this car ride is going to be so fun. Note the sarcasm there.


A long car ride later

"Bro why couldn't you just go when we were at Jin's house like come on dude"!! I scolded my brother who asked me to pull over at the gas station that's up ahead.

Nevertheless I did what he asked and stopped in front of the store. When I put the truck into park V bolted out the vehicle and made his way to do his business, that is if he can find the restroom on time.

I took a peek at what Irene was doing with the help of the rear view mirror and immediately made eye contact with her. Bad idea.

I don't even have the slightest clue why she's even holding the eye contact. Why are you staring at me like that Irene?? Do I have something on my face is that why you are making eye contact with me???You should look away or how about even better I look away.

I took my own advice and glimpsed away from the beautiful woman that I so desperately want to- un love. I paid all my attention on the wheel in front of me and not on the silent/awkward atmosphere that's surrounding us.

V came back shortly and went back on the road with a destination in plan home... but it already looks like the people in the back already are at home with their arms around each other. Their each others home, but I'm still trying to find my person to call home.

Author-nim talk

Idk if anything I'm writing makes sense or if it's even good but oh well...

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