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I put V at the back of the vehicle with Irene. Making sure that both are in a sitting position and are wearing their seat belts because safety is everything. Now I'm sitting in the driver's seat texting Jin and Jeongyeon that we left and are going back home. I was about to put my phone away but suddenly Jin texted me back saying that we can stay over at his place. I thought about it for a while and agreed because I don't want to bring home a passed out V.

Jin sent me the address. The house isn't that far from here just fifteen minutes. That's great because I didn't think that I can stay up for the ride back.

)(A quiet ride later .)(

Jin texted me that they were already home so I just had to knock on the door. I parked the truck then looked at the rear view mirror and saw Irene sleeping on V's shoulder.

Alright that's enough hurting for one night I laugh a bit bitter while getting out the truck and making my way to their door. I opened the door and placed my hands  lightly on Irene's shoulder then shook her whispering
" Hey we're here".
After a couple of attempts she wakes up and gets out of the truck still having her flushed red cheeks indicating she still drunk. A smile creeps on my face without me knowing just by me staring at her.

I unbuckle Vs seatbelt and put his shoulder around my neck again then make my way to the door. Jin opened the door before my bruised/bloody knuckle could knock on the wooden door.

"Need a hand with that" Jin said motioning his hands toward V's direction in a circular motion. "That would be greatly appreciated" I said about to give him V but he held his hand out stopping my actions. "No not me... Baby come and help my friend please" Jin shouted as Suga appeared after a few more shouts from Jin.

Suga took V from me and left for the guest room. I instantly put my arm around Irene's waist so she won't stumble. "You wanna go sleep with V or do you want to sleep in your own room?" I asked a drunk Irene while following Suga and V.

"Where's the option to sleep with you?" Irene whispers in my ear with her seductive voice . I instantly look down at my feet and feel my cheeks feel very warm with her question. "W-W-W-Well I don't think that's a good idea" I respond to her question while rubbing the back of my neck. "How about I'll just drop you off your room and I'll share the other guest room with V ok" I say because I know it's just the alcohol talking.... I think.... I hope. I hope just so it won't get complicated.

Irene sighs with disappointment written on her face. "Fine but you have to help me get out of this dress ok"

I just noticed the dress she's been wearing tonight. Well more like I've noticed but I've tried not to stare at her or I'd get into another trance. "Um I-I don't think yo-you ne-need my assistants for su-such thing" I stuttered like crazy trying to avoid eye contact and control my flustered/blushed red face.

"No I'm not taking a no for an answer" Irene still insisted while putting her arms around my waist hugging me. "F-fine I'll help but that's all got it" I said like I gave in to a toddler's demands.
(Do I sound like a pedophile cuz I swear I'm not just not good with figurative language)

Suga stopped and pointed to a room on the right
"that one is Irene's bedroom for the night and your's and V's is the one across from her's ok" Suga said then went to V's room to drop him off.


Not even a minute goes by and Suga comes out of the room and says a quick goodnight to us then walks away.
"Poor V he's gonna wake up with a lot of bruises"
I whispered to myself as I open Irene's door for the night. I turn on the lights and take Irene to the queen size bed then make her sit on the comforter. "Let me just go check if I got a shirt for you to wear in the truck ok"
I told Irene before I full on sprinted to the truck
I don't know why but I don't want her to wait and I don't really trust her in the room by herself I mean there's a possibility that she might trip or something.
(But she's sitting on the bed???)😑

I made it to my truck and went to the glove compartment that had a shirt folded neatly in it. Yeah that's right I got an extra shirt so I can change if I spill something on the shirt I'm wearing. That's right I'm a very clumsy person.

I bolted back to the room as quickly and quietly as I could. I opened the door and was met with a quiet and lit room. Actually it's not quiet I can hear small snores coming from none other than Irene.

I tip toed to Irene but that makes no sense because I'm gonna wake her up anyways. "Wake up sleepy bunny" I whispered to her as I shook her shoulders lightly. Irene fluttered her eyes open and looked at me for a few seconds then said
"I missed you what took you so long".

I sat down on the bed and said

"I was legit gone for like two minutes you sleepy bunny. Now get up so you can change and we can get some well deserved sleep." Irene got up from the bed and sat on my lap and whispered in my ear "I need help".

When I tell you that just her sitting on my lap made my hormones think of all the possibilities that could happen right now. Oh OH! the whispering she did was just adding gasoline to the fire that's starting to spread all over my body.

"Yes helping is um a yes helping you need yes HelpIsWhatINeedRightNow" I ramble as I look at Iren trying to think of other things instead of the goddess in front of me.

"Um ok so I need you to just you know um just turn around so I can unzip your um your d-dress."
Irene obeyed what I told her and now her back is facing me. I unzipped her dress making the dress fall off her shoulders and now all I see is her back....

I peel my eyes off it "ok I unzipped it so now I can leave" I say to Irene while tapping her thighs signaling for her to get off my lap. She didn't get off my lap instead she turned around. "I-I did my job so now I got to go" I said to Irene who was just staring at me. How is she not out yet I think to myself. "But I don't want you to leave me alone" Irene says with a pout on her lips. She then starts to put her arms around my neck again but I put both my hands up stopping midway and then say "how about I'll help you fix the bed so you can sleep ok and when I'm doing that you can put on the shirt ok" I didn't wait for a response and then said "ok good" with a thumbs up. I tossed Irene the shirt because my eyes kept wondering and then got to work on the bed. I tucked Irene in bed then left.

Gosh what a tiring night I don't want to go out anymore. My fights take up less energy than this night alone and to think that tonight was suppose to be a "day off" for me.

I made my way to the bathroom near V and I's room and washed my hands trying to get the dried blood off my knuckles .
After that I headed back to our room for the night took off my jacket then fell asleep on the couch that was right in front of the bed. "Lucky bastard" I murmured to myself as I see V with the big bed all to himself but that statement had a double meaning.

Terrible Timing (EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora