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Silence is heard all around the apartment when all of a sudden...

A girl that's older than y/n starts to talk in the living room.

"You my friend need to think of the best excuse ever to say to your family over there in Korea, so you know they won't get mad at you for not attending your brothers engagement party". That's my friend who keeps nagging me. Her names Jeongyeon. Yup that's right she changed colleges so she can flee from a person back in Korea.

Jeongyeon had/has a "crush" on Nayeon, who is back in Korea and dating some dude. She is basically in the same boat as me. She has a crush on her friend and it's one-sided. They met in their first year of college and really hit it off as friends. 

Jeongyeon told me what happened my first semester back from college. We met up during the holidays and she asked if she could transfer to my university and share an apartment together, which I didn't mind one bit.

Now we're on our last year because I worked my butt off the last two summers cramming two years and now I am all caught up with Jeongyeon. She was very surprised when she saw me take a seat beside her in class. She thought that she was in the wrong class or I was in the wrong class.

*Going back to present*

"Hey just to be clear I worked my ass off the last few years so I can graduate with you and we can decide if we should go back to Korea or stay because I don't mind either. Or maybe just stay here.... just saying" Jeongyeon just looked at me thinking about the choices I offered.

Jeongyeon said "Our break is about to start next week so we should inform our parents about our arrival and study for our exams that are coming up." I get off from the couch of our living room and clap my hands while saying "Great thinking Jeong".

Over the past years that I've been here I could see myself as a different person all together. I grew a lot to my surprise so now I'm probably as tall as V and I also took up fighting just because I was always interested in it and I wanna stand my ground now.

That being said Jeongyeon and I have found a way to earn some quick money with the new Hobbie I picked up. She finds the sketchy fights and I just show up. Even if I show up and get my face beaten to a pulp I still get some money.

This whole thing started off as a dare from Jeongyeon saying I could not win in an actual fight. She heard some people mention a fight club being around campus. We found it

*winter break has arrived*

Me and Jeong are boarding a plane that's setting off to Korea and I'm pretty excited to see my brother, parents, and Jin. "So are you ready to face her if you see her" Jeongyeon asked me as i play with my hands on my lap.
"Uhm I guess I am- I mean it's not like I still lo- or I mean have a small tiny crush on her. Yeah no I'm totally ready to see my future sister and law." I reply with a forced smile.

After Jeongyeon told me about Nayeon I had to tell her about my small as an atom size crush on irene that I've had for to long. Jeongyeon was surprised at first then felt sorry for me because she too saw how she looked at my brother and vise versa.

In my first year in College my brother told me that he and Irene have been dating for a while and plans to purpose when I arrive for the break but last minute I canceled my flight and told my family that I can't make it because of not having enough money. I just lied because I didn't want to see that because I know that it'll kill me a little on the inside, even though it's just a crush I wouldn't want to see it. I know I'm such a coward but I just didn't know what to do at the moment.

So I spent that winter break of that year alone and spent my time by getting my new years resolutions figured out and thats how the whole fighting lessons started and the most important resolution that I can't get myself to do is to get over Irene for good because she has my brother now.

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