chpt 5

780 49 21

"Y/N!!! I'm going to Irene's place right now so we can decide where our group will be going tonight and I'm going to take the truck" V said as he barged into my room waking me up in the process. I replied with a tired and annoyed ok then he left.

I moved around my bed so sleep can consume me again but when I layed on my stomach I felt a shock of pain go all through me. I sat up straight then looked down at my stomach just to be met with a bruise. A very big and purple/blueish bruise.

After the pain subsided I decided to not catch some more zzzzzzs because the pain woke me up. So I got up from my bed put on a shirt then walked to the kitchen.

"Morning Mom morning Dad"
I said as I saw mom making pancakes and helping her cook them. "Morning sweetheart- what happened to you? You have a cut near your eye" mom said when she layed eyes on me. "Oh I must've scratched myself when I was sleeping or something its probably nothing" I responded to my moms question.
"So are you excited to hang out with your friends today or what?" My dad questioned when we got done with dinner. "Well I have Jeongyeon so yeah I guess I'm excited to catch up with Jin and Irene" I replied nicely. "Please do try to bond with Irene more just because she's going to be your sister in law soon" my mom said. I tried not to show it but I felt useless because of the fact that she's not mine and she's not having this conversation with V instead of me.

I just wish I can let my feelings for her go and let her be happy with anyone she wants. Support her like any friend should and not get jealous of wishing to be the person she chooses as her happiness.

"Y/n.....y/n.....Y/N!!!" Both my parents yell at me."Ye-ye-yeah" I stuttered out. "You spaced out for a few seconds while your dad asked you if you can help him lift some soul bags to the barn". Mom informed me. I just replied with a ok then put up my dinner and left to my room to text Jeongyeon.

\a quick change of scene/

I just got done making my bed then just flopped on top of it. I got my phone from the table next to the bed then texted Jeongyeon.

Me: so you're coming with us tonight right?


Jeongyeon: yeah Jin invited me so ima be your wing girl for tonight ;)

Me: yeah ok I just don't want to be a third wheel for Irene and V

Me: and I bet Jin is bringing his boyfriend so I just want someone to be a third wheel with.

Jeongyeon: yeah whatever I'm just going for the free drinks that Jin promised

I looked at the text that she sent and chuckled at it.
I put on a music app on my phone then listened to music until my dad called for me downstairs.

"Y/n the trucks here we need to unload it" he yelled. "On my way dad" I called back.

I walked to the front of the barn that's a few yards away from our house. There waiting is the soil my dad ordered. "Ok y/n you gotta help me carry these upstairs but be careful because they are fifty pounds each so don't hurt yourself ok" my dad explained. I just nodded then followed him to the truck. I picked up a bag then threw it on my shoulder groaning a bit because I'm a bit sore from the fight from last night. I put the sack in the corner of the second level of the barn and repeated the process about twenty-eight times.

Now I'm at the truck trying to distract myself from the pain on my shoulder. I looked straight down the road hoping for the fire on my shoulder to go away then I hear a vehicle coming. It was V's truck that I heard and it parked a few feet away from the barn. I saw V come out of the driver's seat and saw.... Irene???  Iren came out of the passenger's seat.

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