chpt 3.

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My jaw dropped and I'm just staring at her while she smiling at me. "Now now now look at you looking so cute." She looked at me down and up and added "and tall?". I just smirked at what she just said. "Yes I myself is confused to how I'm tall".

She looked me up and down again when she stopped and did a double take on my hand that I hid behind my body. "Let me see your hand" irene said with a demanding voice. Oh how much I hated that voice when we were younger because I would obligate what she wanted me to do. But this time I'm older and taller than I was so I took my chances and said. "No". Yes just a simple no.

"This isn't funny I saw blood so let me see it" Irene kept insisting. "No I'm fine I'm going to live just let it go and besides I bet my bro is waiting for you so you should get going. Irene looked at me for a few seconds then turned around while saying "yeah you're right". Then she walked away.

But then she turned around and ran towards me then jumped on me. "LET ME SEE YOUR HAND!!!" I fell back but caught her in my arms. Irene got my hand that was on her waist then examined it. "I knew it I wasn't see things" she said. "You happy now" I said and rolled my eyes.

"Yes and no, no because what happened to your hand". "Oh you know my hand slipped some how I when I was leaning on a tree so yeah.. some how my hand got scratched." Yeah I'm not good with excuses so I hope she falls for it.

"Yeah ok" she turns away from my hand and now is a few centimeters away from my face. After I fell she was on top of me and I've been on my elbows since then.

Again I just looked at her and became mesmerized. "How can you be so beautiful" I whispered. "And how can you be so cute" she whispered back.
I looked into her eyes then her nose then finally lips. Oh gosh are they tempting to just taste. I wonder if they taste like- wait is she moving towards oh no my little gay heart can only handle so much.


Irene snapped out of it then got off of me. Then answered the call and guess who called... no come on guess..... yes you're correct Yeri called. "Unnie V told me to tell you that he left already because he wants to spend some time with his sister. Yes that's right Yeri is Irene's younger sister who didn't hang out with us because she thought we were to weird for her.

"Yeah ok I'll go home as well." Irene said to yeri while putting her hands in her hair then hung up with a bye.
"So.... I'll see you around'' I said with a small smile. She nodded then turned around and walked away. Damn i guess i ruined her walk.

8:00 a.m

I got home and ran straight to my room to get my clothes so I can shower.
I was about to open my door but V opened his door right across from mine and said "Hey little sis, you work out now? Wow no wonder you look a bit skinnier than I remembered." " yeah I do and thanks for noticing?"

"Anyways I gotta go and take a shower." I opened my door and closed it then a V knocked on the door and said "hey me and Irene are gonna hang out tomorrow and I bet you miss her as much as she misses you so how bout it, wanna hang out with us?" I leaned on the door and thought of the choices I had, "no thanks I don't want to be a third wheel" I said in a kinda disgusted tone. V was silent for a few seconds until he remembered something
"Oh man I forgot to tell you that Jins gonna be there so you won't be a third wheel so wanna change your mind or what?"  "Yeah ok I'll go" i finally agreed in a defeated tone.

1 P.M

I've had my breakfast, I've put a bandage on my knuckle, and have been keeping in touch with Jeongyeon about the plan for tonight and every Friday night that will come after. I plan to stay at home and try to help my parents with work. V left already after breakfast saying something about having a lunch date with Irene. I asked my parents if V helps them with chores and they replied with a yes while praising his good deeds.

I helped my dad after lunch with as much as I could. Walk the dogs, water the plants in the greenhouses, and help with mowing our yard. So today I took over my dads chores.

4 p.m

"GOSH I'm pooped" I said and slumped myself on the couch. " I'm gonna sleep here for a day or two then I'll be all good". "Y/n!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "What mom what do you need?" I said ad I got up and dragged my legs to the kitchen. "Your brother need to be picked up from Irene's place because he got a ride from his friend and he's having dinner here so go pick him up" "Alright" I whined.


Let's hope that she didn't move because this will be awkward more for me than the owner. I parked the car, walked to the door, then knocked on it. After a few seconds Yeri opened it.
"Hello can I help you" yeri said but with a seductive smile on her face. "Yeah I'm here to pick up V" I replied with a smirk on my face and leaned on the door frame. "Yeah just a sec". I can't believe that Yeri didn't recognize me. Like do I really look that different????

"V THIS VERY ATTRACTIVE PERSON IS HERE FOR YOU" goodness I forgot how this girl can be very loud. After Yeri said that she looked at me again and asked me "So are you one of Vs friends or what?"

I answered her question with a hint of sarcasm"Sure if you count being his younger sister a friend then yeah I'm one of his many friends". "No way!?!?!  Y/n is that you? Look at you, you've changed so much like dang you're a snack" I blushed to that statement.
       (U guys got no idea how much I cringed while writing that like I face palmed myself and your welcome cuz this author-nim made u a snack)

What's taking Taehyung so long like damn come on. I don't know how much more I can take of Yeri and her comments.

"Hey little sis" Taehyung made himself present as he walks down the stairs with Irene tailing him. "Hey dude, so let's go mom wants us home for dinner. It was nice to see you Yeri and you too" I said waving at Irene and Yeri. I left for the car and got in but when I turned my direction of the door I saw V kiss Irene and man that hurt for some reason. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel that I felt my cut on my hand re-open and my knuckles turned white.

V said bye to the sisters and turned around. I turned my eyes to the front of the car and took a glance at the door just to see Irene staring at me. I stared at her eyes as well and I could be like that for a few hours but V interrupted by opening the door and getting in.

**,Vvvvrrrrmmm car noises*****

"Mom we're home" I yelled, Mom came from the kitchen to inform us that dinner was ready. V and I went to the kitchen tailing Mom. "Hey kids how was your day" Dad said as he was sitting at the dinner table. "It was amazing" V replied, I replied by saying it was tiring so after dinner I'm going straight to bed.

And that's what I did. Mom and Dad asked me questions about my college life and if I found anyone over there and I replied to all of their questions. I lied about one question though and it was what was my job and I replied that I work at a gym or something witch they bought.

Dinner was over so I went straight to my room and "went to sleep".

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