"accidental kiss?" Pt 8

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Tommy's POV

     Me and my friends have been at the dog park for a hour or more, me and y/n have been talking about funny moments with Toby and dumb memories when we argued or when we made dumb jokes. We all were laughing and giggling. Ranboo sprained his ankle tho from running away from a chihuahua😀. I'm still confused how no one informed him it wasn't a actual damn rat? Tubbo also fell off the tree and landed on ranboo while y/n was helping to treat his sprained ankle-

     I'm terrified of y/n when she's mad. This day proved that. Y/n scolded ranboo and tubbo with the intent of death- tubbo just stayed silent shaking with fear and ranboo is just staring into her soul. I'm pretty sure they're both traumatized, but luckily she patched them up afterwards. I found it cute how angry yet kind she is at the same time- tubbo would kill me if he could hear my thoughts. (like- 🤪😬😵 dead beat-)  of course toby was on ranboo's back, me and y/n Had to follow them. I was the one who texted Wilbur and told him me and the others are going to a cool ice cream/cotton candy.

      "Hey Tobs, can I ride on ranboo's back for a bit?" She said out of breathe. Of course I forgot y/n's inhaler in niki's purse. Toby looked worried at his sister and got down. Ranboo picked up y/n and she rested her chin on his shoulder slowly calming down. Of course me being me I got jealous because well DUH? (Jealousinnit back at it again ranboo stealing everything from him 🙄🙄 /j) ranboo smiled when she fell asleep on his back. She looked so calm and comfortable on the tall enderman like boy- at this point I was fumed because y/n may not have been mine but she sure as hell wasn't ranboo's.. I hope.

Ranboo's POV

      Y/n looked so cute asleep, of course I've always thought of her as a sibling, she only knew me as tubbo's friend when ever we talked but she's always been so kind and caring. She treated me as if I was her bestfriend and I treated her like a sister. She is so adorable too sooo duh! I had to be very VERY careful because I had no support from y/n since she was asleep and I didnt wanna drop her on accident. Toby and Tommy would literally kill me if I even pinched her- literally. Of course my knees were failing since I just carried tubbo and now his sister, but his sister is literally wearing steel toes and a backpack filled with first aid and snacks.

     I looked at Tommy as je death stared me and smiled. He cares for her so much it's adorable! "Hey Tommy? Can you carry y/n? My knees are quite weak, and it would help if you held her infront and not having her on your back" I said smiling. Of course tubbo is.. well tubbo so he can't carry her. Tommy smiles and puts her infront of him holding her like he would with a baby and her head was buried in his neck like a weird cat- I awhed at the sight. But, another reason why I gave Tommy the cat like y/n girl was so he could stop glaring at me- like I get that she's his future wife but bruh-

Tommy's POV

     As we walked closer to the weird ice cream and cotton candy store y/n started moving around, naturally she moved and kicked a lot in her sleep, I didn't mind though! So she then kicked my inner knee and as she done that she woke up. We fell after I tripped on the curb and..


Tubbo's POV

     I turned around seeing Tommy fall and y/n awake, they ended up smashing lips on accident Tommy was beat red but y/n was too tired to care and lifted her face and walked up pulling Tommy up with her. It took her a minute to load and she screeched bloody murder and became beet red as well. Ranboo comforted her as she was beyond flustered- Tommy was just in complete shock-

Thanks for clicking on my story seriously, I'm so happy you guys like the story it makes me beyond happy.

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