"Confession" pt 15

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Sorry for the late story, I've been dealing with a lot and I'm not that good with writing SRS things :,) I love you all sorry it's bad!

Y/n's pov

"Hey Tommy" I spoke, today everyone went out except me and Tommy yet again, I was having stomach pain and Tommy sprained his ankle like a dipshit too so yeah! Little information but we're going to be here for a week more, so that's all I have to talk to Tommy. "Yeah what's up dude?" he smiled. He was a good guy, I've fallen for him with a slight crush thing, platonic or not.

"I know I semi confessed before but I wanted to talk to you. I like you. We can platonically date or what ever due to the fact I'm uncomfortable with relationships and toxic fans do exist but I am unsure if you like me as well. This is very random so I'm sorry but I wanted to tell you before anything. I know I'm leaving soon to move in with ranboo in October to America so I don't have much time. But I just want to be with you." I stuttered and said to the blonde boy. I'm leaving in October with ranboo to America, and due to that I have a specific amount of time to pack and get ready so I'll be getting off the vacation thing with ranboo early. "Y/n.." Tommy stopped in words trying to find out what to say.

"What up losers!" tubbo bursted in. I checked my phone and he was 2 hours early. "Whatre you doing here Toby?" I said startled. He rolled his eyes and flipped me off. "The museum we were gonna go to was canceled for no fuckin reason so now we are coming back here for a little, it was my idea to come back since we only have a limited time with you!" The brown head said. I looked at Tommy and he was fiddling with his fingers. I signed largely as if I was gonna cough. "Oh alright, I was gonna nap for an hour tho since I was up all night listening to ranboos sleep walk." I said with a sad expression on my face. In the end I tried to laugh it off the best I could. I layed down on the bed since no one else was on it and went to rest.

I woke up to ranboo and Tommy arguing. What the fuck- it seems more serious than usual. "Dude why? She's like a sister to me." I heard ranboo say most likely he's smiling. "I know I just want your input stop being a dick! Help me out!" Tommy said pouting and whining. I tried to hide back my laugh. "Ok fine, she likes gaming I guess-? We have the same music taste so will wood is her semi go to, same with lemon demon?" he thought and said. Of course Tommy hugged ranboo for a second. "Oh my bad-" the blue eyed said. Ranboo laughed and shrugged. "Thank you dude!" Tommy said and started shaking the shit out of me. "What the fuck do u want?" I acted like I just woke up. "What the- nothing just wanted to wake you up, its been an hour" Tommy said worryingly about his safety. I scoffed and went on my phone to check discord and other things.

I'm so sorry it's short. My complete apologies. I love you all <3

(Tommyinnit x reader) Tubbo's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now