Valentines day. Pt 17?

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      today's the day I get to see Tommy again, after all this time I missed him. We've been calling and texting sense I left non stop. I left from the place I stayed in yesterday on the 13th, I had to sleep at ranboo's for a day, that was fun! But today's the day I see Tommy, the guy I'm somehow stupidly INLOVE with, jeez what did I get myself into. I had to walk to the nearby store closest to ranboo's house to get some valentines gifts. I bought a spider plush, a white and red big bouquet, and some candy + Diet Coke. I'm all prepared! Ranboo's mom offered to drive me to toms house and I accepted.

      "Thank you again miss, it was really nice of you to drive me" I smiled at ranboo's mom. She grinned happily and shrugged, then drove off. I texted tommy "dude it's basically freezing outside, open the damn door" he quickly opened it and I heard someone loudly trip and loud fast foot steps to the door. The door flung open and I was brought into a tight aggressive but nice hug. "Im so happy to see you again y/n" Tommy said still burried in ur hair and neck. You could feel his wide smile and warm breathe  on ur neck, it was weirdly calming. "Ok ok I missed you too, but it's freezing and you're in shorts." I said and backed up and kissed my cheek letting me inside.

      "It's so weird how u got this house so fast!" I spoke loudly staring at it. Tommy had just moved into the house a week ago, he was staying with a friend's sense then. He just finished unpacking as well so that's fun! "Yeah! Landlord was a arse tho to handle" he replied rubbing his head while sitting on his new couch. I smiled widely and jumped on his lap. "Is my gremlin mad?" I said teasing him and playing with his hair. He scoffed and looked at me with his soft blue doe eyes. "Yeah yeah what ever. I'm just happy you're hear." Hé laid his head on my chest pulling me tighter on his lap so my legs are wrapped around his waist and I can play with his hair more. "I still have my shoes on and I haven't even given you my valentines gifts lover boy" I pulled him in tighter while talking. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear him sense he's snuggled into me. (Don't sexualize this, cuddles are lovely.) "what did you say my love?" I said pulling him somewhat away. "I was comfortable." He responded pouting. Laughing slightly, I try to lift myself up to go take off my shoes and get the gifts but he pulls me tighter. "Left me go-" I stretched out the o as I spoke playfully. He kissed me and let go of his grip, I gave him a simple but soft kiss as a reply and got up.

       Taking off my shoes and jacket, I grabbed the few gifts I got and handed them to him, I wrapped them neatly with a valentines wrapping paper and bag, along with a cute balloon with 'Xoxo' on it (the bouquet was just handed not wrapped). "It's not much but I hope u like it!" I said sitting back down next to him with my head on his shoulder. He smiled and opened them gently not to rip anything. Watching as his face lit up when his favorite candies were pulled out along with the stuffed spider. He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank u so so much darling" he said pulling me back in the position as we were in before. I let out a soft breath laugh, I kissed his face all over and we curled up for a few minutes.

     His phone started to blow up randomly. "Uh- don't u think u should get that?" I said laughing again. He made an exhausted sigh and picked me up with him and grabbed his phone from the counter. I was panicked for a moment then calmed. "Uh oh" he responded to opening up his discord. "What's wrong?" I replied confused. "I forgot I was still streaming, when u came over I was very excited I just ran out of my room." He softly said putting me down. I thought and realized I got here over 14 minutes ago. "Do u feel like announcing or waiting my dear?" He said in my ear softly trying to sound endearing. I let out another soft laugh smiling. "We can announce Im here if you'd like, you have to end stream one way or another, some people may pick up on it if you don't toms" I said ruffling his hair. He sighed and grabbed my hand dragging me to his room. Telling me to wait until he said 'come in' was The plan. I nodded and he went inside his room.

      "Come on in!" I heard Tommy say after talking to chat and apologizing. I walked in smiling dorkishly. Unsure of where to sit after I shut the door behind me, he patted his leg and pushed himself out so I'd have room. I smiled and walked over to sit on his lap. He made a goofy love struck smile which was so cute. We both turned back over to the chat after I got comfortable on his lap. The chat was either spamming "WOMAN!" Or "OOO" (or Pog) which I laughed at a bit. Many questions ran through the chat. "Are you two dating?" Said a dono. He tapped my leg asking if it was ok, I nodded playing it off as bopping to the lovely background music. "HAHA, WOMAN AM I RIGHT? And yes she is my girlfriend!" He said playing it off as his 'alter ego' online.

      I just started laughing almost falling off of him over his random change in voice, he grabbed my waist luckily so I didn't fall. "Well I think I should end it here! We have a lot of time to stream tomorrow chat! Would you like to do the honors u/n?" He said fiddling with my shirt as his arms are wrapped around me. I thought about it and smiled. "Welp, see you tomorrow Tommy's chat! Prime if you haven't already! Hope you enjoyed!" I said adding in Ranboo's outro which made Tommy have a jealous like expression that he quickly hid. He awkward smiled and pressed end stream then shut off his pc. "Ranboo's outro? Really?" He said with a cocky tone. I raised my eye brow looking into his eyes smiling. "I mean why not? Me and him are like best friends, also that's my outro as well sometimes!" I responded acting like I didn't know his jealousy clingy problems. He wrapped his arms around me tighter burying his head into where my neck and shoulder meet. "I love you y/n" I heard him say softly and quietly. It caught me off guard sense he's only ever said it once before. "I love you too tommy." I said leaning my head back and putting my hands on his. I felt him smile softly.

      After that, the entire day we just cuddled, watched movies, played games, and Tommy even managed to make dinner. It was wonderful.

        "Uh y/n my love?" He said catching me off guard. I smiled softly. "Yes? What's up?" I tilted my head a bit responding to his soft voice and nickname given to me. He grabbed out a ring box and gave it to me. "I didn't know how to wrap it-" I opened it and it was a gorgeous ring of my birth stone. "It's a promise ring, even if they're always in movies and stuff, I thought you'd like it!" He said smiling with a worried expression. I almost teared up, I put it on my ring finger and got him in a big hug. "I love it so much, I love YOU so much. Thank you Tommy" I said, Kissing him multiple times. He smiled brightly after kissing back. We then went to his room and putting on our matching pjs. We cuddled together and he kept complimenting me. "You're the most perfect person I have ever met." And "god you're beautiful" so so much more, that's all he kept doing. Making me smile each and everytime. "Ok lover boy, it's like 11 pm, it's time to sleep." I said kissing him one last time before he buried his head into my chest again, my leg ontop of his. "I love you, your voice, your eyes, your lips, your taste, your beautiful body, everything." He said after drifting off. "I love you too the same way." I responded. Luckily my phone was on silent or else all I could hear is tubbo calling me.


     Tommy's phone began to ring. He slowly woke up and so did I. "TOMMY." A matching voice of my brother's was heard when he picked up. "Yes toby?" Said my sleepy boyfriend. I rolled my eyes waking up a bit more placing a kiss on the sleepy boy curled up next to me, we both smiled. "IS Y/N WITH U? YOU KNOW MY LOVELY SISTER? DID YOU HURT OR TOUCH HER?!" He yelled from the phone  as loud as ever. It scared the shit out of me. "Yes she is with me. I do know her- and no I didn't hurt her, I touched her the normal amount, nothing sexual." He said in a soft morning voice. "I SWEAR IF YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON-" Toby tried saying then the sound of a hang up button was played. "Well that was eventful-" he laughed looking at me. I pecked his lips and he kissed back wanted a longer kiss. It was long but soft and sweet. We smiled at each other and curled back up.

I HOPE U ALL ENJOYED! Would u like for me to continue? Or is this where I end it? Hm..

(Tommyinnit x reader) Tubbo's sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang