Chapter Thirteen - The Match

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Freya had discovered that Hagrid had lost the battle to save Buckbeak. The giant was sobbing all the way through Care of Magical Creatures the very next day, while Harry, Hermione and Ron tried their best to cheer him up. Freya stuck with Neville during the whole lesson, making sure he didn't accidentally squash his flobberworm.

Draco and the other Slytherin's were mocking Hagrid and teasing him throughout the whole lesson. By the end, Hermione was positively seething.

"I know what you're going to do, but it's not worth it," Freya stands in front of Hermione once class is finished. "You don't want Hagrid to get into more trouble than he already is."

Hermione takes in one long deep breath. "You're right."

"Of course I am," she shrugs with a smile. "Now haven't you got Muggle Studies to get to?"

"Yes I do, and you have Divination!" She yells, before she grabs her bags and rushes back up the hill.

Sighing, Freya walks side-by-side with Neville up the windy steps and they open the trap door inside. Dean was already waiting inside when they arrived, and so they all took their places at the small, rickety table, where they were met with a large, smoky ball.

"I thought we weren't starting crystal balls until next term." She heard Ron mutter on the other table.

"Good day everyone!" Professor Trelawney exclaims dramatically, presenting herself from the shadows, waving her arms around.

Behind her, Freya could hear the familiar squeals of excitement from Lavender and Parvarti. Meanwhile, Draco and Pansy just grumbled obscenities.

"I have decided to introduce the crystal ball a little bit earlier than originally planned as the fates have informed me that your June exams will include the Orb, so I am determined to give you sufficient information to practice."

"Is that so?" Freya mutters to herself, her hand in front of her mouth.

She was starting to wonder if maybe Hermione was right about this lesson.

"Crystal gazing is a particularly refined art," she continues, her eyes glazed over behind her particularly thick rimmed glasses. "It is an especially difficult aspect to grasp, so I do not expect any of you to be able to See when you first glance upon the Orb's infinite depths."

Freya shares an uncertain glance with Dean, while Neville just appears confused.

"Now, first we'll start by relaxing the conscious mind, so as to clear the Inner Eye. If we're lucky, some of you may be able to See before the end of class."

After a quarter of an hour, Freya had no luck reaching the Orb's 'infinite depths'. She released an irritable sigh, as did Neville.

"This is hopeless!" He blurts out, throwing his arms in frustration.

Professor Trelawney hears of his outcry and comes skipping over.

"Oh no, here we go again." Freya murmurs, earning a few giggles from Harry's table.

"Something the matter, my dear?" Trelawney asks Neville.

"No, Miss." He shakes his head. "Well, yes, Miss."

Trelawney nods eagerly, her glasses magnifying her owl like eyes.

"See, there's nothing." Neville points into the misty Orb, it's elements swirling ever so slightly.

"There's never nothing," she splutters. "Allow me."

She gazes into the ball dramatically, emphasising her actions, as she wiggles her fingers around it, as if she's controlling the fog. Freya raises a sceptical eyebrow, as Harry and Ron try to hold in their laughter.

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