Chapter Two - Danger

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This is not how she expected this day to turn out.

Freya abandoned the bucket and rounded the building when she heard another ear-splitting scream. Then, she saw the smoke, the black fumes rise higher and higher before blending into the night sky. She directed her gaze down, as people started to leave their tents in search of the screams. As soon as they saw the fires, they abandoned all hope and ran for their lives, pushing and shoving one another to get away.

Freya took a frightened step back at the vision before her: an army of hooded figures clad in black gear marched forward as one, setting fire to anything close to them. They came across one of the Muggle helpers and held her upside down so that her undergarments were entirely visible to the world.

Freya wanted to do everything in her willpower to help, but this wasn't anything like casual bullying in school, where she could handle herself. This was utter danger, she felt it in her bones, so she did the only thing she could.

She turned tail and ran.

Tents whizzed past her, as she aimed straight for the Lovegood's tent, but she slid to a stop as she noticed another swarm of the hooded figures, heading from the other side of the field, hoping to trap any of the witches and wizards still trapped inside.

"Luna! Xenophilius!" Freya screams, cupping her mouth with her hand.

With no other choice, she carried on towards where the tent should be, only then noticing a thick smog rising from it.

"No..." She whispers.

The flames crackle from within, the white material burning away to nothing. She hoped that they weren't still in there. That they were able to escape with Mercury and that they're far away from here. Freya respected Xenophilius for getting Luna out of here at the first sign of danger - Freya wasn't his own.

The tent bursts into a bigger ball of fire, the flames licking the air viciously, and Freya raised her arm to protect her face from the scorching heat. She ignored the terrified shrieks around her and the stamping of nearing footsteps, as more and more people started to panic, barging into each other. Somewhere, Freya heard a child wailing, and curses being uttered.

Freya could only watch as one by one, witches and wizards are struck down, and Muggles are mistreated and abused. She squeezes her eyes shut and tears across the burning field towards the distant trees - maybe she could hide in the forest.

With her chest pounding and her legs aching, Freya comes to a stop at a nearby tree, the sounds of terror so distant now. Freya leans against the trunk, her hands on her knees, sucking in great lungfuls of air. She finally finds the urge to straighten as she takes in the view.

Dark swarms of smoke stretch to the sky in thick black tendrils, before vanishing into the star-less sky. The fire from the tents soar into the sky, staining the horizon an ugly crimson and orange. The screams echo in the swarm of carnage and Freya takes a hesitant step forwards. She curses her cowardice but doesn't see how she could have helped against the mysterious attackers.

She just hoped that all her friends were safe.

"Well, what do we have here?"

His sudden presence causes Freya to trip backwards over a hidden tree root and she falls backwards into the mud. It splashes over her top and into her hair.

"Draco," she snarls. "I take it this is you and your fathers doing." It wasn't a question.

The slender boy slides around from the trunk, leaning against it without a care in the world. He's immaculately clean, despite the destruction. His back suit is without a crinkle and his hair is still perfectly parted.

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