Chapter Fourteen - The Werewolf

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Freya had nearly ran back to her dormitory. Her Divination exam was a fail, as nothing seemed to appear in the ball at all. Trelawney noted this, but hopefully she'll take pieces from the lessons that's she's had. Freya had face-planted her bedding, but Mercury's insistent meowing disturbed her moodiness.

"What is it, Mercury?" Freya wonders, moving over to the cat on the windowsill.

Freya had completely forgotten about Buckbeak's appeal and was now nursing a headache. Cursing, she kisses her cat on the head, and grabs her jacket, before racing down the stairs to meet Hagrid.

She veers around the corner and then down the long hallway, that connects the bridge leading to Hagrid's hut. Panting, just before she reaches the cool outside, she bumps into Harry and Hermione sneaking behind the wall.

"Guys, what are you doing?"

They both jump about five feet at the sound of her.

"What are you looking at?" She asks.

"Nothing!" They say simultaneously.

Freya frowns at their reaction, sneaking a peek over their shoulders just in time to see Hermione punch Draco clean in the face.

"Wait a minute," she says quickly, her frown deepening. "How can you be here... but also there?"

"Great," Hermione grumbles. "This is exactly what I wanted to avoid."

Freya's eyes are still locked onto the other Hermione, Ron and Harry.

"Quick, hide!" Hermione says, shoving Harry and Freya back and around the corner.

A crying Draco and his two goons run past. "Don't you dare tell anybody about this, got it?"

As soon as they're gone, Hermione shows Freya and Harry a device. "This is a time-turner," she tells them. "I'm pretty sure you can take a guess on what it does."

"So that's how you were able to be in two classes at once?" Freya gawks, staring at the fascinating device in her palm.

Hermione nods, before shoving the time-turner back in her shirt.

"Where's Ron?" Freya wonders.

"In the hospital wing."

"What happened?"

"It's a long story and we'll tell you on the way." Hermione sighs. "Now come on, we've got to get moving!"

They race down the hill to Hagrid's hut, where they duck behind some particularly large pumpkins.

"Without Ron, we're probably going to need your help anyway, Freya." Hermione says, peeking over one of the pumpkins.

"Well, I guess that depends on what kind of mischief I'm about to get myself into."

Hermione sends Freya a look that tells her it's going to be a lot. She picks up a pebble off the ground and hurls it into Hagrid's hut.

"Ow." Harry rubs the back of his head.

"Sorry," she shrugs. "Quick we're coming out!"

Hermione shoves both Harry and Freya behind the trees as the other Hermione, Harry and Ron exit the hut and hide where they just were.

"This is too weird." Freya says a little too loudly, and the other Hermione spins on the spot.

"I thought I just saw... nevermind."

They leave quickly, back up the hill.

"Hermione-" Freya starts only to be cut off.

"Shhh!" she interrupts irritably. "Wait here."

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