Chapter One - The Letter

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Freya was never one to complain.

Assuming she had a bed and a few sets of clean clothes, Freya wasn't all that bothered about the state of her room. But, as she opened her eyes and scanned her bedroom for what seemed like the billionth time, she allowed herself to release an irritable sigh. Her previous bedrooms have all been bad, but this one is by far the worst out of them. For starters, the mattress was lumpy, the paint on the door was practically non-existent and the carpet was so thin, it was like walking on concrete. She sighed again as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and smacked her parched lips.

Despite her situation, Freya knew that she would be gone in a few weeks.

Every so often, Freya would be transferred to a new foster home, with maybe a few of the other kids. Whether it be her challenging personality or her inability to find a willing family to take her in, Freya always found herself to be alone. Either hold up in her room, staring at the cars rumbling by, or walking about the large mansion in search of something new to discover.

The other kids sometimes decided to pick on her for whatever immature reason that they can find, or they let her be. She wondered what they planned to do today.

With a stretch that made her back pop, Freya crept out of her room, cursing the creaking floorboards for betraying her. As her eyes adjusted to the gloom, she trailed her fingers down the wall as she headed for the sink for a much needed glass of cool water.

Sighing with relief as the liquid cleared her throat, Freya stood by the tall glass backdoor that peered over the nearby houses, squinting slightly as the morning sun began to peek over the faraway hills.

She nearly dropped her glass in shock when she saw a reflection that was not her own. The figure was tall, there was no denying that. Freya spun around, her hair whipping her in the face. The figure was shrouded in the darkness on the other side of the room, but Freya could spot a head of wild, bushy hair. She glanced over in the direction of the stairs, wondering if she could make it over in time to wake one of the carers, but her feet wouldn't budge. She even glanced down at them to see if they had been stuck down.

"Lumos," the man says, his voice thick with a west country accent.

Freya's head snaps back up as a dull, gloomy light appears from the man's direction.

"Bloody hell!" The man exclaims as he bangs his head on the ceiling light.

Freya finally finds the will to move and slowly sidesteps towards the stairs, praying that the stranger has yet to see her. She barely makes it three steps before the man calls her out.

"Now where do you think you're going?" He says, taking a few heavy steps forward.

Freya tries to think of a reply, something threatening like 'don't try anything' or 'the police are on their way'. But all she manages is a meek whimper.

"I know what you're thinking," he continues. "But don't be afraid. I'm only here to give you something."

"What?" Freya croaks, her eyes focused on the man's glowing stick.

The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper. As he hands it to her, Freya instantly notices the red ink clasping the envelope together.

"Lumos Maxima," the man says, and the room erupts in a white ghoulish light.

"How... how did you do that?" Freya whispers, still staring at the stick.

Groaning, the stranger pulls out one of the chairs from around the dining table, but it instantly cracks under his weight. He mumbles something like a made-up word and the chair seemingly repairs itself, and he sits himself down, even though it looks very uncomfortable.

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