Chapter Eleven - Paralysed

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Harry and Freya kept attending their private lessons with Professor Lupin, Harry's Patronus charm getting bigger and stronger every time. Freya still has a long way to go with hers.

Now it's late February, and Freya has rediscovered the trophy room. The last time she was here, her and Fred were hiding out from Mr Filch, so she never truly had the chance to check it all out. With the numerous number of rooms in the castle, Freya was thankful to find it so easily.

She brushes her finger over the glass casing, searching for a particular trophy. She gasps when she spots the one she was searching for, sliding open the case and picking up the one with her mother's name on it: Annalise McMillan. She strokes the golden lettering, allowing herself a smile. Biting her lip, she takes it out, shoving it deep into her robe pocket.

Suddenly, Mrs Norris seemingly appears out of nowhere, hissing and swiping her paw at Freya's leg, noticing her taking the trophy.

"Stop it," Freya hisses back, kicking the cat away. "Go away."

The cat hisses once more, narrowing its beady eyes.

"Don't make me get my wand out," Freya threatens and Mrs Norris immediately shuts up. "That's what I thought."

"What's the ruckus?" Filch calls out, hobbling into the trophy room.

"Nothing," She replies quickly. "I... I accidentally stood on Mrs Norris' tail. I'm sorry."

Filch looks down at his companion, scooping her up with one hand. He peers at Freya, and then at the trophy case.

"Shouldn't you be in class, or sumthin'?" He grumbles, waddling back out.

Freya releases a heavy sigh, and stares at the empty space her mother's trophy should be.


"Are you okay, Freya?" Luna asks, as Freya rolls out of her bed late.

"Yeah," She sighs. "I guess my extra lessons with Professor Lupin have been taking their toll. That and catching up on all the work I missed and trying to find out the mystery of my parents death."

"So, no luck then?" Luna says sadly.

"Not yet. But the answer's here somewhere. I know it."

"There's that optimism I've been missing." Luna giggles.

Freya laughs along with her. "Now if only I could apply that same attitude in my classes."

"Malfoy?" She says quietly.

"And Snape." Freya adds.

"I would just steer clear of them if I were you."

"That's just what Fred said." Freya mumbles.

"Fred?" Luna looks up, a delicate frown playing on her features.

"Yeah," She shrugs. "Fred's been there a few times to... pick me back up, shall we say?"

"You've been spending a lot more time with him, I've noticed..." Luna teases, looking at Freya sideways.

"Luna," Freya says, wagging a finger at her friend. "I know where this is going and no. Just no. I barely know him."

"I think it's amazing that you've gotten close to someone, especially Fred."

"We're not... close, Luna," Freya sighs. "He just understands what it's like to be constantly under fire from Draco and his goons."

"We all do," Luna argues. "You've just decided that Fred is the one to share that with."

Freya stares at her momentarily, finding truth and wisdom in her words. "I-I need to get in the shower."

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