Chapter Three - Reflection

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Mercury purrs in Freya's face, desperate to wake her up and feed her.

"Gerroff!" She grumbles, wrapping the blanket up over her head.

However, the bengal isn't giving up that easily. She digs her way under the blanket and continues to repeatedly meow in her face until she can't take it anymore.

"Alright, alright!" Freya snaps, sitting up in her bed.

With her hair a tangled mess and her blanket mostly on the floor, Freya swings her legs over and grabs her gown which had been tossed lazily over her bed poster. Grumbling some more, she plods down the cold stone steps and into the common room, scanning the cupboards for the cat food that she bought. She emits a triumphant 'yes!' as she opens the can and smushes it together in a bowl for the impatient cat. Mercury mews her thanks as she digs straight into the gloopy pile of gravy.

Freya smoothes her cats ears, before trudging back up to her dorm, and plonking face first onto the bed. However, her sleep is cut short by Luna peeling back the curtains, the sun burning her retinas.

"Come on," she giggles, looking at the state of Freya hiding from the sun's blinding rays. "We have to head down for breakfast."

Freya looks up from her pillow and notices that the bed on the far side is already vacant. Freya met her other roomie last night - Cho Chang. Sighing, Freya gives in to Luna's insistence and heads for the dorms showers.

After a brief shower, using her scented lemon shower wash, Freya notices that her robes are no longer just black, but also blue - Ravenclaw's signature colours. Luna. She knows that Freya doesn't know any magic as of yet and cast the spell for her. Smiling, Freya dresses herself in the uniform, grabbing her books and bag, slugging it over her shoulder.

Now she just has to remember where the Great Hall is.

Noticing how late she really is, Freya rushes down the five flights of stairs, counting as she goes. She heads down the straight bit of corridor before going left, until she comes across the Study Room. She looks left, then right, chewing her lip thoughtfully. She tries right, then left, then right again. Until she spots something remotely familiar. She was here yesterday, she knew that much. Spinning around, she notices the large wooden doors marking the main entrance. She knew exactly where she was luckily. Freya began to speed walk towards the great hall, successfully creeping in and placing herself next to Luna.

"I didn't miss much, did I?" Freya asks, afraid of the answer.

"No," she replies, shaking her head. "Professor Dumbledore gave a speech telling us to enjoy our first day back."

"I'm starving," Freya says out loud, digging into her bowl of thick porridge.

She adds a bit of sugar and strawberry jam and practically licks the bowl clean. Luna looks at her curiously, as do most of the others on the table.

"I'm a nervous eater," she states, smiling sheepishly.

"Incoming!" Someone shouts as something comes flying out of sky.

"Post's here!" Another yells.

Just like that, a swarm of owls come swooping into the hall, dropping packages and letters into the welcoming arms below. The sight of it is unbelievable. Freya watches as Neville gets a letter and so does Hermione. Luna gets a letter and what appears to be a small bag of sweets. A first year next to her receives... a pair of socks?

Freya's smile slowly sinks as the owls continue to swoop and dive all over the place, reminding her that she's never going to have anyone to gift her anything. Noticing her fading smile, Luna offers Freya a sweet, who accepts it gratefully. It tastes like apples, with a hint of rhubarb.

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