Chapter Five - Fears

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A couple weeks had passed since the night of her detention and every time Freya had seen Filch, she performed an immediate U-turn, most of the time bumping into the person behind her.

She had a free hour and a half in the morning, allowing herself a blissful lie in. Luna hadn't bothered to wake her up for breakfast, but left a juicy, green apple next to her bed. She silently thanked her for that, and had gotten ready for her next class - Charms.

As the bell rang, Freya felt a nagging feeling at the base of her skull. Like a dull throb. She paused midstep and instantly realised where she was. The colour drained out of her face, when the familiar doorway appeared, forming the same stylish patterns. She still didn't understand why it appeared for her. Over the time she'd been here, she'd done little research on it, but enough to know that the Room of Requirement only makes itself known when someone desperately needs something. But Freya didn't need anything right now. What she needed to do was get to Charms class. So as she pushed the feeling aside, she continued down the hall.

Neville greeted her with a wide smile, showing a toothy grin. Professor Flitwick was perched ontop of a mountain of books so he was able to view the entire class, which was set out like a Muggle courtroom.

Today, they were being taught how to perfect the Full Body Bind Curse. They had started to learn it over the course of a few weeks, and Freya nearly had it down - she found the hand movement difficult.

As she directed her wand, she was also afraid of hurting Neville, but with a swish and a flick, his face went stricken white and he flopped onto the desk almost immediately.

Flitwick made an excited noise and performed the counter curse, awarding Ravenclaw five points for her success.


After Charms, they all met up for lunch once more where Freya exchanged her notes with Hermione.

"I can't thank you enough for this." Freya admits, taking her second year notes.

"I'm honestly amazed at how quickly you've gone through all my first year work in just a few months," She explains, packing away her first year notes. "I wrote a lot of stuff."

"Yeah, you did!" Freya laughs, and so do the others.

Freya scoops a square slice of lasagna onto her plate.

"How's your flying going?" Says a voice behind her.

"You should know, you're the one determined to keep knocking me off."

Fred laughs at that. "It's not our fault the bludgers keep on veering off course." He sulks.

"Oh sorry," Freya says, jokingly. "I didn't know that there are other beaters on the team. That is your job, isn't it?"

"I'd like to see you do any better." He retorts, leaning over to grab a slice of bread.

"I would love to, but I just don't have the time."

"Oh come on, didn't you just say you've already copied all of Hermione's first year notes?" He says, his mouth full. "You deserve a little bit of a break from all this."

Freya nods at that. She had been working extremely hard to catch up. She hasn't had a proper night's sleep in a long time.

"You're right, but you've seen how terrible I am on a broom."

"You're no worse than me or George."

"You should try out." Neville shrugs.

Biting her lip, Freya nods reluctantly, her friends encouragement finally sinking in.

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