Chapter Seven - School Grounds

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A week had past since the news of the murderous psychopath had broken into Hogwarts, and everyone was on edge. Students muttered to one another in the halls, peeking around corners to check there was no serial killer in sight. It was haunting to say the least. The teachers prowled the school grounds, each one with a look full with either determination or worry. The prefects and ghosts had also been issued on full alert for any mysterious behaviour and Percy took the role a bit too seriously.

"What do you two think you're doing?" The older Weasley brother says, marching up to a very confused group of second years. "I'm head boy, y'know. You had better not be up to any trouble or else detention for all of you."

Freya and her friends rolled their eyes at Percy's behaviour and opened the door of their Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Recently, Snape had taken over the class temporarily, while Professor Lupin was on sick leave. He had managed to transform the once fun lessons to one of dread and terror.

Of course, Snape favoured the Slytherin's, as they shoved past Freya and the others to enter the classroom first. Freya glared at the back of their heads as she sat down next to Neville, behind where Harry sits next to Hermione. Except neither of them had arrived yet. Freya decided to send Ron a questioning look, which he responded with a slight shrug. He even glanced back at the door, as if he expected them to walk in any second.

They didn't. A tall man, clad in black, swept down the length of the room, his steps long and brisk. He marched in, slamming the window blinds shut with a swift flick of his wrist, enveloping the class in darkness. The projector lit up immediately afterwards, illuminating the curious kids in the classroom. It showed an anagram of a warped body. To Freya it looked like a-

"Werewolves," Snape says, interrupting Freya's thoughts. "Turn to page three-hundred and ninety four."

As Freya skims through the pages of her book, searching for the dedicated page, the classroom door swings open, crashing into the opposing wall, causing every head to turn to the intruding sound.

"Well, well. Mr Potter," Professor Snape drones. "You decided to join us after all."

"Sorry, sir." He sighs, clearly out of breath from hurrying down the corridors.

"Three-hundred and ninety four." Ron whispers helpfully.

Harry nods and throws his bag under his desk and searches for the page.

"Excuse me, sir," Harry adds. "When will Professor Lupin return?"

"I don't think that's any of your concern, do you Potter?" Snape argues, crossing his arms over his chest. "Suffice it to say, your Professor has found himself incapable of teaching at the present time."

He sneers down at Harry, disgust twitching at his lip.

"Turn to page three-hundred and ninety four."

Freya frowns down at her page, the image of the werewolf in terrifyingly detailed descriptions.

"But sir," Hermione speaks up, and Freya hadn't even realised she was here. "We've just been learning about Redcaps and Hinkypunks. We're not supposed to start nocturnal beasts for weeks."

Snape glares down at Hermione, his expression displeased with yet another interruption. Freya wonders why he's decided to switch the topic up to werewolves.

"When did she get here?" Ron whispers, a look of utter confusion on his face. "Did you see her come in?"

"Now," Snape begins, ignoring Ron's comments. "Which one of you can tell me the difference between and Animagus and a Werewolf?"

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