Chapter Two - Hogwarts

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"We're running a little late, I'm afraid," Hagrid says, pushing the trolley a little quicker.

"Late for what?"

"The train," he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Train?" She echoes. "Why can't we just go on your bike?"

Freya's eyes focus on her packed trolley once more.

"Oh yeah," she sags, hoping she could have gone on the flying bike one more time. "Can't you just do some magic and make it all smaller or something? How about you do it like Mary Poppins and shove it all in a bag?"

"Who?" Hagrid asks, sending her a look of pure confusion.

"She- " Freya sighs. "It's a... Muggle thing I guess, nevermind."

"I'll take you to the station, but you're gonna have to go on your own from there."

"Why?" She practically whines.

"Because I have a Hippogriff waiting for me back at Hogwarts. He gets restless when he's left alone for too long."

Freya frowns at his reply, having no idea what a Hippogriff is, but accepts it nevertheless. She can't expect him to hold her hand the whole time.

She's a witch now. A new, fresh start at life, where she won't have to worry about being stuck in foster homes her whole life. Even though she has that constant nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach telling her she's too far behind, she'll never fit in, Freya has never been so determined about anything else in her life. Glancing once more at the towering pile of books in her trolley, and Mercury tucked in a neat ball in her cage, she nods at Hagrid.

"Okay, lead the way."


They arrive at the station, jammed packed with people rushing towards their trains, lugging suitcases and huge bags. It's unbelievably noisy as the trains give a farewell toot when they depart.

Hagrid glances at something that appears to be a watch from his pocket and mutters something under his breath.

"Alright, this is where we part ways."

Freya gives a worried look around the train station as Hagrid hands her a card stating that she needs to get to platform nine and three quarters.

"But Hagrid-"

But he's already gone. Freya whips around on her heel as if he's right behind her, but he is gone.

"Bloody magic," she mutters.

As she heaves the trolley through the station, searching for platform nine and three quarters, she's able to eavesdrop on a nearby family.

"Come now, Cindy," the father says. "I know it's your first year here, and it's okay to be nervous, but you're going to miss the train."

Freya slows down to a gentle stroll, hoping to follow where this family goes. What she sees is beyond her imagination. She has to blink several times before it sets in her brain. The girl called Cindy ran straight at a wall and it swallowed her whole with a soft whoomph.

Breathing deeply, Freya ran straight at the wall, fighting the urge to close her eyes. When she came out the other side, she was met with a huge steam train. Smoke billowed from the engine, blanketing the top of the station with a cloud of thick smog. Freya's jaw dropped as the last few stragglers were heaving their trolleys onto the train.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she ran for the nearest car, but couldn't lift the trolley for the life of her. She couldn't help it - she started to panic. The thought of the train leaving with her trolley hanging out was eating at her chest, causing her heart to hammer madly.

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