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Mia woke up and placed a hand on her bump. Mia knew that the baby was kicking away like mad. She sat up and sighed as Iain woke up and looked to her

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine. This one is kicking away" Mia said as Iain looked to her and smiled

"she's going to be a footballer" Iain said as Mia chuckled

"you wish" Mia said as she looked to him for a moment and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.

Iain pulled her close and kissed her back passionately as she rolled over so that she was on top of him. He ran his hands down her thighs and pulled her close as they made out. She could feel his hardened member press against her. She pressed against him

"are you sure you want to" Iain asked as Mia smirked

"how do you think I got pregnant in the first place of course I want you" Mia said as he grabbed her hip and smirked as he flipped them so that she was on her back.

She looked up at him and smirked as he pulled her close and pushed into her. Mia moaned as he started to move in and out of her as Mia pulled him close and kissed him passionately

Mia got to work and walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw grace and smiled

"hey" Mia said

"hey. Are you okay" grace asked as Mia nodded

"yeah why wouldn't I be?" Mia asked as grace sighed

"your mum is back" grace said as Mia looked to her and frowned at the mention of Rita.

Mia hadn't spoken to Rita since she had kicked her out after everything that had happened with Iain and Mia didn't know how to feel over the fact that she was back. She was scared and she didn't know what to think

"are you going to talk to her" grace asked as Mia looked to her and sighed

"why. I don't have anything to say, my head is a mess and she is the last person I want to talk to. I feel in love with Iain and I know I hurt her but I never meant to but I need to focus on this baby and if I speak to my mum I will only get worked up and it won't help" Mia said as grace looked to her and smiled

"you don't need to talk to her, you don't need her. You have Iain and you have your baby and your good" grace said as Mia placed a hand on her bump and smiled

Mia walked into the ambulance bay and smiled as she saw Iain

"are you okay" Iain asked as Mia walked over to him and hugged him "my mum is back" she said as he frowned as he held her close

"I saw her, I'm sorry I know it seemed to be going well without her but it's still going to be okay. We agreed you didn't need her" Iain said as Mia looked to him and nodded

"I know it's still just hard" Mia said as he leant in and kissed her

"I know baby but it will be fine I promise" Iain said as Mia smiled having no idea how Rita was planning to break them up

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