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Mia got to work and walked into the ambulance bay. She got a worrying message off of Iain and she was worried over what was going on. Mia walked into the break room as she Iain who was pacing. She looked to him and frowned

"what is gobog on? I got your message and it seemed important" Mia said as Iain walked over to her as he grabbed a hold of her hand and smiled as he handed her a note. She looked to it and frowned as she read it;

I know over you and Mia. I'm going to tell. I want £1000 or else

Mia frowned to herself as she read the note. She sat down on a seat, she couldn't believe someone had seen them and was blackmailing them and Mia was scared as she knew that Rita would flip out and hate her and Mia knew that she it was the last thing that she wanted.

She didn't want anyone to hate her especially her mum. She knew what she and Iain were so of was wrong but she was having his baby even if cal thought it was his. Mia knew it was a mess and she didn't know what to do. It scared her. Iain took a hold of Mia's hand and smiled

"What are we going to do?" Mia asked as Iain looked to her and smiled

"I think you know what we need to do and we can't pay them as they'll only come back for more, we need to come out as us, and tell the truth. We need to tell your mum and everyone over us and how we are in love as I love you, I didn't just plan to fall in bed with you, I fell in love with you and we need admit that's it's my baby that you are having and not cals as grace is pregnant and I know tis cals and so do you and I am not going to tell ethan, but we can't let him think it is his baby, it's not fair" Iain said as Mia looked to him and sighed.

Mia knew that Iain was right and that they needed to tell the truth but she was scared. She didn't want anyone to hate her as she knew Iain was with her mum and it scared her as she didn't want her mum to turn on her, not when she was pregnant and feeling so scared and alone.

Mia needed her mum but she knew that she didn't plan this and she had fallen in love with her mums boyfriend


Mia sat in the staffroom and smiled as grace walked in. Grace looked to her and frowned

"are you okay?" Grace asked her best friend as Mia looked to her and sighed

"no, I am scared. Iain and I are being blackmailed, someone knows and he wants us to come out as a couple but I don't know what to do, I don't want everyone to hate me" mia said as grace looked to her and smiled

"we have both been keeping secrets, cal thinks your having his baby and Ethan thinks it's his. We both need to tell the truth in this, you know it and so do I. Besides your mum needs to know, it's not fair on her, when she thinks she's happy with Iain" grace said as Mia looked to her and smiled.

Mia knew that grace was right but Mia Also knew that once the truth came out that nothing would be as it was and she was scared as she knew that she didn't want everyone to end up hating her. She placed a hand on her small bump and smiled knowing she needed to do it, it was best for her and the baby as she couldn't deal with the stress that came with it anymore


Mia walked into the ambulance bay as she saw Iain. He looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I guess, my head is a mess but it will be okay" Mia said as Iain looked to her and smiled

"I know, and I am here no matter what" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Mia kissed him back as the kiss got more passionate. She ran her hands through his hair and moaned into the kiss as he lifted her up and lead her into the break room as he dropped her onto the sofa and climbed on top of each to her as they stripped off.

Mia moaned as he kissed her neck as he pulled her close, he ran his hands up her thighs as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her, Mia kissed Him passionately asking herself if they could really do this once the truth come out?

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