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Mia sighed to herself as she woke up. She ran a hand through her hair. She felt terrible, she was sick of morning sickness and her head was a mess. She sat up and sighed as she looked to her phone as she saw texts off of Iain. She knew that she was having his baby and she knew that no one could know. He was her mums boyfriend and she knew that the last thing she wanted was for Rita to know. Mia didn't want to hurt her. Mia knew that it was all a mess. Mia walked into the bathroom as she felt the morning Sickness. She started to throw up and groaned. Once she was finished. She walked back into the bedroom and started to her ready for work. She rested a hand on her bump and smiled to herself. She knew that there was only so much longer that she could keep the fact that she was pregnant hidden from everyone

Mia walked down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Rita. Rita looked to her and smiled "are you okay, you don't look well" Rita said as Mia looked to her and smiled "I'm fine, I'm pregnant but I'm fine. It's just taking a lot out of me" she said as Rita Looked to her and smiled "I know I have been there but just remember that I'm the end after it all, it's all worth it as your going to be a mum and have a baby that loves you more than anything. It's going to be okay" Rita said as he looked to her and smiled "your right, I'm just scared" she said knowing that she was scared. Scared over the truth coming out over the fact that it was Iain's baby that she was carry

Mia sighed as she got to work. She stood in the staffroom as she pulled her jumper off as cal looked to her and frowned and frowned as he walked in "your pregnant?" He asked as he saw her small bump. Mia looked to him and frowned "I can explain" "you don't need to, it's amazing I'm going to be a dad" he said as he walked over and To her and hugged her. Mia frowned for herself, she knew it wasn't cals baby and that it was Iain's but she also knew part of her knew of would make things a lot more easier if it was cals. She had been saying and sleeping with him as she slept with Iain and it would stop a lot of questions over who the dad really was.


Mia walked into the ambulance bay and sighed as she looked to Iain "is it just us" she asked as he nodded "it's all a mess cal found out I'm pregnant and thinks it's his, I don't know what to do" Mia said "tell me the truth I'm not letting him raise my baby" "I never said that he was. It's a mess Iain and we can't lie forever" Mia said as Iain looked to her and smiled "I know but it will be okay" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Mia wrapped here Ames around his neck and kissed him back as he pulled her into the office and lifted her up onto the desk. He stood between her legs as she undid his belt and smirked as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her

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