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Mia sat in the wheelchair and looked to see Iain as he walked into the room. Mia was finally being discharged and it scared her

"Hey are you okay?" Iain asked as mia looked to him and smiled.

"I'm okay I am just worried over everything that has happened" mia said as she liked to him and smiled. she knew that she wanted to try her best to be a good mum

She had almost lost her baby and it scared her.

"I know a lot has happened and I know that you are scared and afraid but I am here for you and the baby and I am going no where. I am going to look after you. Trust me?" Iain said as mia looked to him and smiled

"I do trust you. I am just scared that's all. I just wanted everything to be okay you know" Mia said as Iain smiled

"I know but we have been through so much and a lot has happened and it will be okay now what do you say we go home" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"You better get me McDonald's on the way home. I am sick of hospital food and the baby wants some nuggets and mozzarella sticks" Mia said as Iain lead her out of the room and chuckled to himself

"Well I am sure I can do that. I mean since you are carrying my baby and that" Iain said as mia looked to him and rolled her eyes

Mia groaned as she sat in the house as she heard a knock at the door. She groaned as she stood up and answered it and saw grace and smiled

"Hey are you okay?" Grace asked as Mia smiled

"I'm okay. I am just tired that's all" Mia said. Mia knew how exhausted that she was and how she felt as if everything was getting on top of her

Mia sat down as grace sat with her and smiled "I know that things are hard for you but you know that your going to be okay. Don't you?" Grace said as mia smiled

"I guess a lot has happened all the stress with my mum and for one moment I thought I had lost the baby and that scared me you know" Mia said as grace nodded

"I get it I do but you and Iain are strong and your going to be okay" grace said as mia looked to her and smiled. Mia only hoped that she was right

Mia stood in the kitchen as she heard Iain and answered the door "erm mi" he called as she walked out of the kitchen and saw Rita and frowned

"She needs rest" Iain said as Rita nodded

"I haven't come to argue I came to apologise you have been through a lot together and I have but you through a lot and I am sorry for all I have done. I have been offered a job and I am going to take it and I want you to know and I want us to maybe try and fox things between us" Rita said as mia looked to her and smiled

"I'd like that" Mia said. She was shocked that Rita was actually leaving but after all that happens would she ever have a relationship with her mum?

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