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Mia lay in bed next to Iain as he looked to her and smiled

"what are you thinking over" he asked as she smiled

"baby names I mean I am due soon and we need a name for her" Mia said as Iain looked to her and nodded

"your right, we do. I was thinking over violet" Iain said as Mia looked to him and frowned

"it's interesting" she said as he chuckled

"you don't like it, do you" he asked as she smiled

"no it's not that. I mean it's a nice name but I don't think it's her name. How about isla" Mia asked as he looked to her and frowned

"I don't know, it sounds to posh for our kid to have an nane like that" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"this is impossible" she said as Iain smiled

"I know it seems that way but we will find a name I promise" Iain said as he placed a hand on her cheek

Mia looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him, he kissed her back and smirked as he rolled over so that he was on top of her.

He ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close as he pushed into her Causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her
Mia stood with grace as she got to work

"hey you okay" grace asked as Mia groaned

"hold that thighs" Mia said as rushed off to find a toilet, Mia knew that she was still having sickness and she hated it, grace looked to see Rita as she walked over to her

"is she okay" Rita asked as grace looked to her and frowned.

Grace didn't know why but she knew that there was something about Rita that she didn't trust at all and she hated it

"she's fine, it's the sickness that's all. Are you serious over what you said to her and trying again. There's no games for payback for her and Iain is there?" Grace asked as Rita looked to her and sighed

"I know you don't trust me but I mean it" Rita said as grace nodded

"well you better as Mia is my best friend and you may be her mother but I won't let anyone screw her over not when she's been besting herself up over what happened with Iain" grace said as Rita nodded

grace watched as she walked off and sighed. Grace knew Mia was her best friend and how she'd do anything for her

Mia stood in the staffroom as she stood at her locker. She sat looking through it and groaned as she felt a sharp pain hit her, Mia bent over in pain and groaned.

Mia was worried, she was worried over her pregnancy and the baby and she was scared that there was something wrong as she knew that it was far to early for labour but was Mia right to be worried and was she really loosing the baby or was it something else far more complicated then that?

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