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Mia stood in front of the mirror and smiled as she looked to her bump. She placed a hand on her bump and smiled. She looked to see Iain as he walked into the room as he wrapped his arms around her and held her closer and smiled

"How are you doing" he asked as she smiled

"I'm all good. I'm tired but I know that this baby is worth it. I'm just scared and I want it to be okay. I guess I am just scared to have his baby" she said as Iain looked to her and smiled

"I know it's scary but we have been through a lot and we can do this. We can make it work and it will all work out" he said as she smiled.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as the kiss got more heated. She moaned into the kiss as it got more heated.

He lead her over to the bed and pushed her down onto it. Mia sat up and looked to him and smirked. He ran his hands up her thighs

Mia moaned against his touch as he pulled her close. He got between her legs as they stripped off. He pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her

She dug her nails into his back and wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer. Mia moaned as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her and smirked

"It's all going to be okay I promise" he said as she smiled. She knew how things weren't easy but she knew how she and Iain were having a baby and how she wanted to make it work no matter what it took

Mia got to work and saw grace and smiled "how is the mummy to be" grace asked as Mia looked to her and smiled

"I'm good. Things haven't been easy and I miss my mum but I guess it's best that she is away with all that happened with me and Iain. We are trying to make it work and I am glad. I just want us to be happy you know with all that happened" Mia said as grace smiled

"You and Iain haven't had it easy But you are good together and your having a baby and it will work out" grace said as mia smiled

"I hope so. I just want us to be able to do this" Mia said as grace smiled

"Iain loves you and he will be a good dad" grace said as mia smiled

"Yeah I know I just feel anxious over it all" Mia said

Mia walked into the ambulance bay and smiled as she saw Iain "hey babe are you okay" he asked as he stood eating chips. She walked over to him and stole a few of his chips as he looked to her and smirked

"Oi" he said as she smirked

"You got pregnant. You share food" she said as he handed her the chips and smiled

"It's a hood job I love you. You know that" he said as she smirked

"You only say that because I'm growing your child and because of I have sex with you" she said as he smirked

"I'm not complaining. Are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"I'm tired but working in the ED is never easy especially when pregnant" she said as Iain smiled

"I know it's hard but it will all be okay" he said as she smiled hoping that he was right

Mia knew that soon they'd be having a baby but could they cope with it?

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