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Mia sat in bed as Iain walked into the room and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I guess. I just feel so anxious knowing that she is back and you knew what she is like. She isn't going to just sit back and do nothing. She isn't going to let us be happy and leave us alone. Is she? I know that I love you and I want to be with you and how I want to make it work for the baby but it's easier said than done" Mia said as Iain got into bed next to her and smiled as her sat next to hers he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know. I know it's hard but we are together and we are having a baby and I am not going to let anyone come between us" he said as he wrapped an arm around her as she lay in bed.

Her back was against his back as she had a hand on her bump. He led her close as he placed a hand on her bump and smiled

"I know that your scared but I promise you I am here and I don't let anyone hurt you" he said as she smiled to herself  
Mia got to work and smiled as she saw grace and smiled

"you look tired. Are you okay" grace asked as Mia looked to her and smiled

"I am fine. I just can't help but worth knowing that my mum is back and I know that she is only going to come between me and Iain and I feel so powerless" Mia said as grace smiled

"I know but I know that you and Iain are strong and you are strong enough to not let Rita come between you. I look at you and I see how you look at each other and I see how strong that you are and I know that she won't ruin you" grace said as Mia looked to her and smiled.

Mia looked to her and smiled hoping that she was right as she knew that she couldn't handle anymore drama. Mia knew that she was strong and trying to stay strong but she also knew how everything seemed to be too much and too hard and she had no idea how much longer that she could do it when her mum seemed to still be coming between her and Iain after everything

Mia stood by reception as she saw Rita and sighed

"what do you want" Mia asked not in the mood to deal with anything

"I just wanted to ask you something. Do you really think Iain is father material as I am telling you as soon as that kid comes out he will leave you and he will be after someone else" Rita said as Mia looked to her and glared

"no, he won't as he wouldn't do that to me. I love him and I trust him and I am not playing your games" Mia said as she walked off trying not to let Rita get to her but could she stop her from messing with her and Iain

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