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Mia sighed to herself as she walked into work. She saw Iain and smiled as he walked over to her "are you okay?" Iain asked as Mia looked to him and smiled

"I'm tired iain, and I'm scared. We are coming out over this and my mum is going to hate me for it and I don't know if I can handle it" Mia said as Iain looked to her and smiled. He placed a hand on her arm and smiled

"I know it's mess but we agreed that it's for the best, we're having a baby together and she needed to find out it was mine eventually" Iain said as Mia looked to him and nodded.

Mia knew that he was right but she also knew just how scared that she was over it, she didn't know what she was going to do. Iain looked to Mia and smiled.

He could see how terrified that she seemed by it all. He pulled her to the side so that no one could see her as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as they held a look

"no matter what happens, I am here and I will look after you, all that matters is you, em and our baby" Iain said as he leant in and kissed her. Mia smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Mia knew that she was falling in love with Iain.


Mia arrived at work. She saw Grace who looked pale. She walked over to her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Grace nodded and sighed. "I'm fine. I had a late one last night. Morning sickness that's lasting all day. How about? Are you okay? You and Iain coming out today aren't you?"

Mia sighed and nodded. She was terrified. "Yeah. I don't know how to handle it. My own mum is going to hate me. How do I cope with that?" She asked.

"Easy. You take it all in stride. It'll all be okay.  I know it will. You're tough Mi. You can handle this," Grace said.


Iain walked over to Mia and smiled. "End of shift. We tell people about us. That way it'll give them time to take in what we told them."

Mia nodded. She sighed and took his hand. "I don't think I'm ready for my mum to hate us. We had a fling behind her back. And Cal's back."

"It'll be fine. I won't let them hurt you."


Mia looked at the clock and sighed. She could see that her shift and Iain's were almost over. Grace walked over. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Mia shook her head. "I don't think I can do this. I don't want hate from anyone," she mumbled. She sighed. "But Iain is right. It's better we come out. That way the person who is blackmailing us, can't."


Iain walked into the staffroom. Mia walked over to him and sighed. "Let's do this," she mumbled.

Iain got everyone's attention. Rita frowned when she saw Iain and Mia close together. She frowned. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Me and Mia. We're together. And we're having a baby together," Iain said as he took her hand and kissed her.

Before anyone could say anything, the two of them walked out. But they had no idea that the blackmailer was in the room and they wanted payback.

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