Wednesday 21.03.03

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I want to die
I can't escape the pain
It's always there
I'm worthless
I want to die and the pain will stop
It's so embarrassing
Im such a disappointment

Do you ever lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, sad, hoping and praying for a big sword to fall right into your heart and you're dead instantly?

Oh and yesterday I lied to the people from Y and yelled at them and my mum. I got mad. They wanted to weigh me but I refused. I told them I was better but they wouldn't believe me. I said I won't be coming back which isn't really my choice but I'll so anything to not go back there. They have me go to a doctor to weigh me and check all sorts of things because I used to be underweight bla bla

☆ I ate a bouillon cube. It was salty and disgusting and I get ill thinking of it but at that time I just needed to taste smt.

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