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You pulled away, shocked by the proposal and thinking things were going a bit too fast for your liking. "Satan, I really like you, but I think I need to think this over before I proceed." You said with a hush voice. Satan nodded "I understand" though his eyes told a different story. He sighed and thought to himself "I thought this would work, especially after Belphegor walked me through most of what to do...". You looked at his eyes, the green eyes that once held so much rage, now holds a different emotion, sadness. You could definitely tell his demeanor changed, even though he's too closed off and stubborn to admit it. You gently opened the gates and head towards the mansion, you and Satan walking in silence. This time, the silence was filled with sorrow. So many unspoken words, both having so much to say, yet nothing comes out. 

Dinner rolls around, and most everyone is there. Though, there were some people missing today, Ki was nowhere to be found, and Levi didn't want to come out his room today. Regardless, dinner was lively and joyous today. You weren't feeling the energy today, not to mention you weren't really hungry. You took the chance when everyone was distracted to excuse yourself from the table. Right after you did, Satan did as well. You headed to Lilith's room, now your sanctuary. You wanted alone time, so you could at least hear your thoughts, but it doesn't feel quite right. You wouldn't mind if someone bust through that door just to check on you. 

Getting lost in your thoughts on the plush bed, covered in pillows and the covers you hear a creak at the door, peering through the layers of sheets and pillows you see Belphie. He didn't say anything when coming in, just laid on the bed and enveloped you in a hug. You appreciated that and snuggled against your cuddle buddy. "Didn't work out..." he slurred, as he was in and out of sleep. "no shit fuckface..." you said half-heartedly. Belphie was tired enough to ignore the comment you made, but if he was more awake he would've clapped back. You sighed and explained how your day went, and how everything was perfect up until the kiss. You explained how you might not be exactly ready to progress the relationship between you and Satan, as you still had lingering feelings for Mammon, you really didn't know who you wanted to be with. Flirting and teasing is fun, but getting serious isn't. While Belphie was tired and drifting off, he still understood everything being said and was able to give some advice. "Yeah, I can understand that. Getting serious is a huge commitment, and picking one would hurt the other. There is a lot of pressure associated with that. I would do what you feel is best, would you rather a relationship with neither or a relationship with one of them?". You thought about that last sentence, would you rather be content alone, or would you want to pick one to be happy together. "You-" you hesitate "You're..." you can't quite say the words, "you'reright" you mutter under your breath, you can't admit that outright to Belphie. Little did you know after giving those words of wisdom, he quickly fell asleep. The comfort and the quiet, serene once more, lead you to falling asleep as well.

A Year in Devildom (OC X Obey Me!)Where stories live. Discover now