Unthinkable - 7 Minutes in Heaven (1)

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"Moment of honesty, someone's gotta take the lead tonight ,whose it gonna be?"

You walk to the bowl slowly, almost shaking out of nervousness. Leaving your decision up to fate was a terrible feeling, there was some sort of control you had over the situation before, but now it's in Asmodeus and the God above hand's to make the right decision for you. You shuffled through the bowl, though you don't know why you were prolonging the inevitable decision, so you just, grabbed a slip of paper and slowly opened it. The two brothers were super nervous, "Who was she going to pick" both brothers repeated in their head, almost like a chant. 

"I'm gonna sit right here and tell you while it comes to me. If you have something to say, you should say it right now."

You opened the slip and read out "Mammon.." you read, examining the cursive yellow text. Satan's heart dropped, but he recomposed himself. "Fate placed them together, and I'm happy for her" He thought to himself as he slowly tapped out and sat next to the lovey dovey couple hogging the couch, he went back to reading his book while the two of the exchanged whispers. You felt your heart sink for him, but the butterflies never left your stomach as you looked back at the slip of paper. You re-read the paper, you had always admired Mammons handwriting, even more so now. 

"You give me a feeling that I never felt before. And I deserve it, I know I deserve it. It's become something that's impossible to ignore and I can't take it."

Mammon slowly got up and took a deep breath, he took your hand and guided you to the closet as Asmo escorted the both of you.  You felt that all eyes lingered on the both of you, you were being watched and you understood the feeling, but it still felt foreign somehow, as if these eyes on you were nervous for you as well. You were nervous, but ready, you prepared yourself the moment that you realized what this "get together" was for. Asmo opened the door for the both of you, light seeping in the closet to see how clean the floor was. You both stepped in and heard the door shut as the closet became pitch black. You found your way to the floor and pulled Mammon down with you, after a minute of silence and become adjusted to the darkness. 

"I was wondering maybe, could I make you my baby? If we do the unthinkable will it make us look crazy? If you ask me I'm ready."

"I've, I've never felt this...this greedy for someone's attention before. You make me feel things I hadn't felt in awhile and you make me feel wanted..." He confessed. You attempt to look at him, but really could only see the silhouette of his face. You rest your hand on his cheek and turn his head towards you, while you couldn't quite admire his features, so you closed your eyes and slowly came in closer and closer until your lips met his. He kissed back, waving away any doubts you may have had. Through the kiss, him came closer to you embracing you. 

"I know you said to me, this is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be. Time is only wasting so why wait for eventually, If we're gonna do something about it. We should do it right now."

This lasted for a minute before he pulls away, you catching your breath and blushing deeply after realizing how close you two are. You buried your face in his chest, utterly embarrassed that you enjoyed that. "After three months, I realized that...I love you Lyric. And I know I do, would you...", you nodded violently before he could even finish his sentence. You shared a muffled "I love you too" as you couldn't keep your composure at all, you were down bad for this man. He smiled light and rubbed your back, he silently thank Asmo for his help and was proud of his luck. He felt as if he had won the lottery.  You looked up and blushed deeply, your eyes had adjusted to the dark enough to notice his eyes. His eyes reminded you of the sun and the sky, something you realized you took for granted once you moved here. 

"You give me a feeling that I never felt before and I deserve it, I know I deserve it. It's become something that's impossible to ignore. It's what we make it. "

He stared into your eyes as well and you felt the tension rise again. He took your face and kissed you once again. This time, the kiss lasting longer. Mammon held you and kissed you as if he was going to war and was never coming back, he needed this. You needed this as well, you kissed back just as passionately. You both were a mix of passionate and flustered as you continued making out. You pulled away and caught your breath again, realizing that your time with him was almost up...maybe. You looked at each other, taking in the last three minutes of your time alone to whisper hushed "I love you's" and confessions. 

"I was wondering maybe, could I make you my baby? If we do the unthinkable, will it make us look crazy? Or would it be so beautiful? Either way I'm saying. If you ask me I'm ready."

Taking in his warmth, you found your nervousness melting away and being replaced with comfort. You could almost pass out, but you won't, as you still haven't come down from your high yet. You heard a faint alarm as you both stood and adjusted yourselves, not wanting anyone to see hickies or love marks that Mammon adorned you with or that you adorned Mammon with. You both took a deep breath as Asmo opened the door, the light was bright and hurt your eyes. But Mammon shielded your sensitive human eyes, and took your hand. Asmo whispered that he "heard everything" as you both passed by, walking to one of the chairs. 

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