Lunch Date - Mammon x Lyric

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Mammon looks at Levi, then back at you, signaling you to respond. Mammon had hoped that you would say no, just because he would like alone time with you and he hasn't had that with Levi around. But of course, given you good nature, you responded with a smile and a yes. Mammon sighed, hoping that things might get better tonight, at least with what Asmo was planning for him. 

Levi was excited, as he wouldn't have to be alone. Although third wheeling can be awkward at times, he appreciated the company. You didn't mind having Levi around, as he was a really good friend, and the fact he was taking pretty good care of your bestie without complaint. You remembered something that Belphie once told you, he had mentioned something about a planetarium in the school, this gave you an idea about where you wanted to hang out at. "Hey, why don't we all go to the planetarium, I'm sure it's quiet and there isn't many people there." you suggest, as the planetarium accommodated for the alone time Mammon wanted to have with you and Levi's social anxiety. Levi nodded, happily agreeing with you suggestion, while Mammon was a bit indifferent towards it, yet still agreed. Heading over, you took Mammon's hand and focused on him for a bit. You understood he was a bit peeved, he never likes when you divide your attention among brothers as he is the avatar of greed. You figured that if you gave him your undivided attention while he talks about economics class, this would atone for Levi tagging along. Levi looked a bit defeated, feeling a bit neglected, but heading over Ki started to stir, maybe wanting to wake up. 

Once you got there, you searched for the secret spot that Belphie hides his blankets. He trusted you enough to tell you this, so that whenever you studied or hung out there, you had the blanket to cushion the floor. Levi was visibly excited, as he thought about how this aligns with the anime cliche of having a picnic at school. Though after second thought he realized that he was just the side character who third wheels, so that brought him down from his high. Mammon on the other hand, was happy that you cared enough to listen about his class, so he was riding high from that. He didn't even notice the blanket you quickly pulled out from under a loose tile. You set up the blanket and sat down, patting a spot for Mammon right next to you. Ki woke up, a bit groggy from her slumber, and Levi let her down so that she could sit down in front of you, while Levi sat in front of Mammon. You took off your backpack and placed it in front of you looking for the bento box you made for yourself and Mammon, as you know he rarely has time to make lunch. You handed Mammon one of the bento boxes, this box was his and had all his favorite foods. Mammon was at a lost for words, as he had never had kindness shown to him in this way, even in the Celestial Realm. He was always the one giving, but never the one receiving, so when he fell into hell, he learned that things had to be taken and not given in order to receive something in return, or so he thought. He blushed deeply and thanked you, somehow he wanted to give back to you, but he wasn't sure how. You felt satisfied, as he was deeply appreciative of the act. That was all you really wanted, you wanted to make Mammon feel wanted for once. This sentiment made Mammon feel that he was taking you for granted, that maybe he didn't deserve the kindness you were giving to him, he'd never admit the way he feels, but since he wears his heart on his sleeve, it's not very hard to see. You knew he was feeling a bit doubtful, so you rested you hand on his hand and gently squeezed to reassure him that he is worth it. 

Ki helped you with his bento box, being a bit of a test taster and reference to what he likes, as she's spent a bit more time with him. In exchange, you helped Ki with her and Levi's bento box. She rubbed her eyes and handed him a box from her lunch sack, "here, thanks for carrying me everywhere. You're like my knight in shining armor." She said as she proceeded to lay down in his lap and pass out once more. You smiled lightly at the fact that Levi was getting flustered, he didn't know what to say either, so the silence was shared. After a minute or two, you broke the silence. "So, how was the first half of your day?" you asked Mammon as you began to eat. He nodded and began weaving a long story about his day, he lightly rubbed your thigh through most of it. You blushed deeply but minded your own as you ate, hoping that Levi didn't notice, but he did. He just chose not to say anything. As he was done telling you about his day, he began to eat as you finished your lunch. You responded with scooting closer to him and laying your head on his shoulder. This sent the demon into overdrive, being flustered and hyper focusing on eating to attempt to hide his true feelings. You looked over at Levi and recognized that he was done as well, you asked him how his day has been so far. His eyes lit up at the fact that he was being acknowledged and responded. You became even more comfortable as the vibes were wholesome, it was a nice energy, something you haven't felt for awhile. You closed your eyes as you were so comfortable, almost drifting off...until you hear the bell ring. Signalling you and the brothers to clean up and pack away everything. You hid the blanket away, soon after Mammon entwining his hands in yours and walking to math with you. Levi picked Ki up and headed to their next class, waving bye in the process and running off. 

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