7 Minutes in Heaven - Multiple Pairs

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RAD ended a bit earlier than usual, a sign that the rest of the day would be good. Mammon took your hand and walked with you back to the house, almost mirroring the walk to school, though this time it was silent and without Levi and Ki. Though, much like the walk with Satan, the silence was peaceful. While you were occupied with you thoughts, Mammon was thinking back to earlier this morning. 

"Asmo, I'd like to confess to Lyric, but I have no clue how to." Mammon pleaded. Asmo sighed, this wasn't the first time one of his brothers came to him for the same exact issue. He thought to himself, who should he help, Satan..or Mammon. Should he leave it up to chance? Or should he control the situation, maybe there was a way to do both? Through this, an idea popped in his head. Why not have it be fate or destiny choosing, but through a game he chose. "Why don't we play 7 minutes in heaven?" He suggested to Mammon. Mammons yellowish-blue eyes lit up, that was a great idea, but was the choosing going to be rigged? And how were they going to prevent people from noticing it was rigged. These thoughts raced through his mind, but he didn't exactly know how to process his feelings on the matter. Asmo took his reaction as agreeance and began to set everything in place, leaving Mammon in the hall with his thoughts. 

Mammon opened the gate for you, to which you thanked him and walked through, never letting go of his hand. You wondered why you gravitate more towards Mammon, rather than Satan, you felt a tad bit more comfortable with him. You let go of his hand once you reached the door. You opened it slowly and headed to your room, as you were going to get ready to hang out with all the brothers and other exchange students. Asmo had sent a text to the group explaining that he's hosting a get together, in order for everyone to chill and hang out. As you head to your room, you ran into Belgephor. "What's up, Belphie?" You ask, still shuffling to you room. He sighed and explained how he has a crush on Ki, but that he understands he'd never be able to get close to her after what he did. He understands that even though he apologized, it still wrecked her. He explained that each day that her and Levi grew closer, he became more and more jealous. "It isn't fair, he gets to swoop in and fix her, while I'm stuck...here...", you listened as your heart ached. You didn't want your bestie feeling that way, "Since you made that pact with me, I command you to no longer harm Ki. I think that should help with your dilemma" You responded. He nodded and thanked you, he went on his way hoping that may amend things.  You stretched and continued heading to your room as you laughed a bit, Belphie sounded exactly like Levi, though you did feel for him, you understood why Ki was acting the way she was. 

You touched the wall and answered the riddle, this being almost a daily ritual. You stepped back as the wall turned and stepped into the pristine room, you hadn't really been it all that much considering how busy you were throughout the day. You haven't had much time to appreciate the room, so you sit on the bed and take a deep breath. A moment alone, something you haven't had for a while, three months to be exact. While you loved the chaoticness of Devildom and being busy, you missed quiet moments like this. After taking it all in, you change into pajamas and slippers, and head downstairs. "Asmo said...head to the...." you thought out loud as you take out your DDD, "The common room" you finished your thought. You head to the common room and only 2 other exchange students, including Ki, were there. Ki and the other exchange student, where sitting on the floor chatting with Mammon.  This student you didn't know much about, but she seemed to be Ki's other bestie. You looked around and saw that Belphie is on the couch sleeping with his head resting on Satan's lap as he read. Beel is raiding the snacks while Asmo is trying to stop him, as all the party guests haven't arrived yet. Levi is also playing his switch on the couch next to Satan, much to Satan's annoyance. The only one you couldn't find was Lucifer, though he may have decided against it, as it will turn childish and he still has paperwork to work on. "Maybe that where the other exchange student is?" you thought, as the newer exchange student was attached to Lucifer's hip, much to your dismay. You found a seat next to Ki, who decided to wear a onesie. You looked over to Mammon who was blushing deeply because of your arrival, you noticed the pink tint but decided against saying anything. The conversation went silent as you continued exchanging looks between Mammon. Ki tugged on your shirt "Get a damn room, I'm tired of the sexual tension filling the room", you blushed deeply and screamed on the inside. "Was it really that obvious?" you thought. Upon hearing sexual tension come out of her mouth, Satan glances over his book to see you and Mammon exchanging steamy looks. He sighed and went back to his book, it was better if he hadn't thought about it, he has to leave it up to fate to decide. Mammon spoke up and continued the conversation with the two girls while you looked over at the table Asmo had set up. He had included alcohol within the selection of drinks, thinking to yourself you realize that this is going to get wild so you prepare yourself for that type of experience. You look back to see Satan reading his book, at first you thought if he cared or not, but realized he cared too much. 

This made you ache until you heard Asmo gather you all around in a circle. You looked around and saw only three brothers were nervous, and you wondered what for. Asmo sat a bowl in the middle of the circle of people, He explained that we were going to play seven minutes in heaven and how to play. Now you're the nervous one, "what if I pull the wrong person?" you thought frantically. But then, you thought again, Asmo is a crafty motherfucker, he knows exactly what the fuck he's doing. You quickly calm yourself down as the first person to go is the exchange student is the first to go... "What was her name? Hailey?" you thought as you watched her pluck a paper from the bowl and slowly read it "Beelzebub?" She asked hesitantly. You watched the tank of a man get up and take her hand to the closet, compared to him she was tiny, "though from what bestie Ki said, they had much in common despite the huge size difference." you thought. Asmo stood by the door both blocking the demon and the human inside and blocking us from going inside.Those seven minutes felt like hell, the silence between all of us was filled with tension and nervousness, as we all thought about what the outcome of our pick would be as well as theirs. Asmo's watch went off after those seven dreadful minutes, he stepped aside and opened the door.  The pair come out, Beel covered in kisses and looking flustered, like he usual does. You sighed of relief, but now it was your turn to go...

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