Creep - 7 Minutes in Heaven (4)

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"When you were here before. Couldn't look you in the eye. You're just like an angel. Your skin makes me cry. You float like a feather. In a beautiful world, I wish I was special. You're so fuckin' special."

I watch as my friend leaves the closet with her new boyfriend, a bit jealous she'd have someone who cares for her so deeply. There were days where they would spill their heart out to me, and I would have to explain exactly how to woo her over, and judging from this, it seemed to work. I take the deepest breath I can and stand tall, "I don't exactly know who I'd get, as there's a chance I could get Levi or Bel. I really hope it's Levi." I thought to myself as I made my way over to the bowl, examining it before plunging my hand in. I take out the slip slowly and open it, I recognize the handwriting. After the long study sessions we would have in his room, I came to know his handwriting. I sighed of relief, it's someone I can be around. It's cute, but I can't draw my eyes away from the paper. Maybe it's the bit of nervousness, but why would I be nervous with him?  "Hmm...Levi?" Asmo questioned. Belphegor gets up and sleeps next to Beel, he won't admit that it stung, but he thought that maybe he deserved it. 

"But I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here."

Asmo looked over at Levi, who was both nervous and elated. "Maybe Lyric's gacha luck is rubbing off on me", he thought. He stood up and took my hand, as per usual. Though this time was a bit different, his hands were clammy. I really shouldn't be nervous, he's just my best friend right? Asmo escorts us to the closet, as we got closer and closer I could feel myself tense up. Asmo opened the door with a slight smirk, understanding how easily Levi gets flustered he shoved both of us in the closet and closed the door. We both were flustered as we stood in the silent, pitch black closet. I was thinking that, maybe nothing would come of this, that we'd just be in silence for the rest of the time. So, I quickly sat down and dissociated. 

"I don't care if it hurts. I wanna have control. I want a perfect body. I want a perfect soul. I want you to notice. When I'm not around. So fuckin' special, I wish I was special. "

Levi sat down as well, still wondering to himself if he should even go for it. He's been developing feelings for quite awhile, but he didn't want to act on it. He didn't want to ruin the friendship, and he thought that no one would even want to date a yucky otaku like him. I broke the silence, I couldn't stand it, my tinnitus was becoming more audible. The fucking ringing drives me crazy. "So are we letting time run out, or..." I asked. "We can..if you want." He whispered. I felt the heat of his face from miles away, poor boy was dying in this closet. There was silence after he answered, two minutes passed by as I tried to get over the ringing. 

"Levi, can I ask you something..." 

"But I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here."

His ears perked up, he was sick of the silence as well, but he was too awkward to do anything about it. He looked over at me, as to signal that he was all ears. ", you see me as more than a friend?" I asked, shaking like a chihuahua. I absolutely hate putting myself out there, as I always get rejected in some way, so I usually wait for them to come to me. Levi could barely contain himself, should he admit that he does? Or should he shrug off the advance, he didn't want to seem like a creep, even though he thinks he is. I waited with baited breath, "whattheabsolutefucklevipleasesaysomethingbeforeiscream.". He chose to go for it, Mammon wouldn't let him live it down if he didn't use this time to confess. "I do...I think of you as more than a friends..." He admitted, that stung him a little. I sighed of relief "Oh thank Diavolo...." I blurted out as I tugged his shirt to bring him into a kiss. 

"Whatever makes you happy. Whatever you want. You're so fuckin' special. I wish I was special."

The redness never left his face, it only seemed to get more intense as she came in for a kiss. He hasn't done something like this for centuries, he believed he was a bit rusty. Levi wasn't sure why this time felt different than the other times they were this close, as they've almost kissed a couple of times. He took a deep breath and closed the gap, solidifying the kiss. The kiss felt light and sweet. It started out light, but as we gained confidence, the kiss became more passionate. Time flew by, we even forgot where we were. 

"But I'm a creep.  I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here. I don't belong here."

There was shuffling at the door, we both didn't hear as we were engrossed with one another. The door flew open, as the light flooded the room. Asmo stood there shocked, shook to the core. We were seen in a compromising position, as my legs were wrapped around his waist. He was on his knees and pinning me to the wall, I had saw what happened before he did. I blushed deeply and adjusted his shirt as I removed my legs from his waist. He turned around to see Asmo staring in shock, he slowly got up and took my hand. We were both embarrassed, so embarrassed we walked back to his room. The walk was a tense silence, I felt my phone vibrate like crazy. As if someone, or some people spammed my messages. I took my D.D.D out and noticed most of the party had asked me if I was okay and asking about what happened, I slid my D.D.D away and acted like nothing happened. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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