Underneath the Sycamore - 7 Minutes in Heaven (2)

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"Lying in a field of glass. Underneath the overpass."

You walk to the bowl slowly, almost shaking out of nervousness. Leaving your decision up to fate was a terrible feeling, there was some sort of control you had over the situation before, but now it's in Asmodeus and the God above hand's to make the right decision for you. You shuffled through the bowl, though you don't know why you were prolonging the inevitable decision, so you just, grabbed a slip of paper and slowly opened it. The two brothers were super nervous, "Who was she going to pick" both brothers repeated in their head, almost like a chant. 

"Mangled in the shards of a metal frame. Woken from the dream by my own name."

You opened the slip and read out "Satan" you read, examining the printed green text. Mammon sat there defeat, his luck was shit this time, not like this was any different than gambling. Instead of losing money, he had lost you instead. Satan stood up a bit surprised and walked alongside you, not sure what to do. He was nervous about bringing the decision up to you again, not that either of you guys had a choice. Asmo smirked and opened the door, he was rooting for his little brother to get the girl in the end. Satan nodded to Asmo and Asmo nodded back, as a sort of solidarity. You stepped into the dim closet along with Satan, Asmo shut the door and the room went dark. 

"Well I was such a wretched man, searching everywhere for a homeland and now we are under the same sun. Feel it through the leaves, let it heal us."

You both sat down and didn't say anything for a minute as you both adjusted to the lack of light in the closet. Things were still tense, especially when there's so much you want to say but you don't know how to say it. Your thoughts becoming overwhelming, until Satan speaks up. "Lyric, I apologize for going so fast. I, I don't know how to respond to my feelings properly. They're always just been intense emotions that I had to learn how to control by suppressing them. You've taught me that I don't need to suppressing my emotions in order to control them..." He said as he looked over at you. You continued looking down, as you couldn't show him your "moment of weakness", as his words struck a chord with you. You understood where he was coming from and why that day was so special for him. 

"We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore. We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore."

Satan scooted closer to you and hugged you, admitting in his own way that the feeling was reciprocated. You pulled away from the hug and cupped his face, staring directly into his green eyes. "I love you." you whispered as you kissed the blushing demon. He kissed back, although slowly. Satan was beginning to recompose himself as well. He realized that being around you, he didn't feel anger, he didn't feel those negative emotions that had plagued him since conception. It was nice, he thought to himself as he pulled you closer and held you in his arms. You felt, at home in his embrace. He trusted you enough to get this close, without hurting you, or even being scared to hurt you. You pulled away and buried your face in his shoulder.

"We were both broken in our own ways. Sifting through the rubble for the wrong things."

You looked back up as you composed yourself, sighed and nodded. "Thank you...thank you for giving me the time and space to think things through. I felt flighty because I had never..." you couldn't quite make the words come out. "never trusted anyone as much as I trust you." you admitted. Satan hugged you, admitting in his own way that the feeling was reciprocated. You both trusted each other with your lives. 

"I know you've got a vengeful heart. And I cannot be stopped as soon as I start. But you have seen your darkest rooms and I have slept in makeshift tombs. And this is where we find our peace, oh this is where we are at least."

You smiled at the fact Satan had expressed his feelings for you. Even though you teased him about showing his emotions, you appreciated he had feelings other than anger and resentment. You understood how tough it was for him to express new feelings, feelings he hadn't the slightest clue he had. You buried your face into his shoulder once more as he rested his chin on your head, it was a nice and warm moment the both of you shared. 

"We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore. We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore."

You both cherished the time that you shared in the dark closet, it becoming a small safe space for the both of you. You could express your feelings to Satan without judgement, as he can do the same with you. The moments of silence were either filled with close contact and sharing warmth, or kissing until you were out of breath. 

"We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore. We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore."

Time was inching along, what seemed to be quickly for the two of you inside the closet, but slowly for the people outside of the closet. Satan checked his watch, he had mentioned there was two minutes left until you both had to step back out into the get together. Something you were afraid to do, but with Satan there, it wouldn't be as bad.

"We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore. We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore."

You both stood as you fixed his vest and anything out of place, you didn't want them to catch Satan slipping. You wouldn't hear the last of it from Levi or Belphie, you quickly adjusted yourself as well, as any hair out of place would spell disaster. You took a deep breath, getting ready for the light pour in and hurt your poor fragile eyes.

"We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore. We are the same. We are both safe. Underneath the sycamore."

You heard the a faint alarm as you both stood hand in hand, waiting for that dreaded moment.  You both took a deep breath as Asmo opened the door, the light was bright and hurt your eyes, but you were ready for it. Asmo whispered that he "heard everything", and that he was proud of his little brother as you both passed by, walking to one of the chairs. 

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