Easy - 7 Minutes in Heaven (3)

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"It's always fun. It's always fun, at first. No one is getting hurt, no one is getting hurt at first"

I watch as my friend leaves the closet with her new boyfriend, a bit jealous she'd have someone who cares for her so deeply. There were days where they would spill their heart out to me, and I would have to explain exactly how to woo her over, and judging from this, it seemed to work. I take the deepest breath I can and stand tall, "I don't exactly know who I'd get, as there's a chance I could get Levi or Bel. I really hope it's Levi." I thought to myself as I made my way over to the bowl, examining it before plunging my hand in. I take out the slip slowly and open it, I can't recognize the handwriting or the name. It definitely isn't Levi's so that, that just leaves me with Belphegor. "Shit!" I scream in my head, I repeated that curse in my head until Asmo peaks over my shoulder and reads it. "Hmm...it seems to be Belphegor." He announced.

"Don't try to run, don't try to run. 'Cause love will always find you. Pain will always find its way into your life."

Levi's heart drops at the announcement, while he always called me his best friend and Henry, he honestly wishes there was something more. He stood up and took my hand, he was attempting to remove me from the situation, but Asmo refused. You have to go with him, it's only fair, he explained. "Why do I have to be stuck with the man who killed me?" I cursed, taking a page out of Levi's book, I mumble "this isn't fair." Levi stated my case, but Asmo wouldn't have it. All while Belphegor was passed out on the floor. "We could just leave and he wouldn't be any the wiser." I said. Asmo woke Belphegor up and dragged the both of us into the closet and shut the door.

"Most people just wanna drink and hook up. That's not for me, yeah, I'm looking for love. No one wants to work for it, no one wants the suffering. But suffering's the only thing that makes it all okay."

Being in the darkness with someone who once wanted to kill you was stressful, I couldn't suppress the panic attack I was about to have. Though, I saw the hurt in his eyes. It was hard to not feel bad, but trying to get over the trauma he created was harder. I could tell he didn't know what to do, he hadn't really been in this situation before. I know he apologized, but apologizes can't give me back the hours of sleep I lost. He spoke up once you noticed the conflict that I was going through, "Lyric commanded me not to hurt you, so even if I wanted to I couldn't", I know he's trying to help but that does nothing to help at all, if anything that just makes everything worse.

"It's easy to give up. Darling, it's easy to fall out of love. Don't tell me your love is exclusive for me. Don't feed me your lies just to make my heart beat. It's easy to give up. But I don't want easy, I want some painful love."

He seemed to read the room and scoot away from me, this just caused the rage I had to turn into sadness. I feel bad because he's genuinely trying, while it may be an honest mistake to him, I've only got one life and that pain will never leave me. I sighed "I've only got one life...I was so angry that you would kill me, especially after feigning interest in me. I really thought you were going to be something, something more than friends to me. But then you...you showed you didn't give a fuck about me." I admitted, these feelings I harbored towards him before the incident was love. If he hadn't tried to kill me, especially in front of everyone, I would've been over the moon about this.

"If you told me you were lonely, I would give you company. If you told me you were angry, Oh, I'd give you some space."

Bel nodded, he seemed to understand. Oh, he more than understood. That's why he loathe himself for it, he fucked up someone who cared for him. "It hurt to see you in pain, I noticed everything. The way that you lost your appetite, the way you couldn't sleep, the way you were jumpy and your eyes shifty. I noticed all of it, but I couldn't do fuckall about it. I was the one who caused your pain and it tore me up inside." He sighed on the verge of tears. I noticed his tears, "you know, I'm the one who should be crying" I joked as I wiped his tears away. He was more than sorry, he regretted it. "I'm glad I wasn't just some pawn in your game." I said looking away as a found myself dissociating.

"'Cause that's what you need. Honestly, I know you better than you know yourself. That's what you need."

He didn't say anything, he just brought me closer to him. "Ki, I know it doesn't seem like I do, but I love you" He admitted. I sighed and nodded "I know, and I hated it. I hated that I still felt that way even after the incident, I hated I was jealous of my best friend and how close you both got. I wanted that-" I vent, but he cuts me off before I can finish. "We can still have that, if you want to try." He said. This brewed conflict within me, "though he expresses sorrow and regret and that he could never do that again, is it really fair to write off someone who's actually been there for me?" I thought.

"If you told me you were needy. I would give you anything. If you wanted some loving. I would leave you on read."

Something that was in the back of my head kept itself on repeat, something about a leap of faith and taking it. I'd never know if I didn't try. I held my breath for the moment as I went in for a kiss, not exactly knowing what the outcome would be. To my shock, he kissed back. As we lie down, kissing we lost track of time. I felt my trouble melt away as he caressed me, I didn't have to worry anymore. It was a weird feeling, being with someone who was the cause and cure to your pain and suffering.

"It's easy to give up. Darling, it's easy to fall out of love. Don't tell me your love is exclusive for me. Don't feed me your lies just to make my heart beat. It's easy to give up, but I don't want easy. I want some painful love."

Not realizing what time it was, the door swung open as the bright light flooded the room. This broke up our makeout session. I didn't hear the faint ring, I didn't hear Asmo step aside...he caught us slipping of course. "Oh~ my" He exclaimed as he covered his mouth, out of everything that's happened, he didn't expect the outcome of our pairing. There was no point in trying to hide what we were doing, we just sat up and shrugged. I took a deep breath and stood up with Bephie, taking his hand in mine. It broke my heart to see Levi run off, both upset with situation and its outcome and how it confirmed his negative thoughts. Lyric was laughing at the mishap, she seemed genuinely happy with her suitor and that Belphie got his happy ending, something Lilith would've wanted to see.

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