The Longest Walk- Mammon x Lyric

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Hearing the alarm go off, you bolted awake. "Wait- belphie slept here ALL night? Embarrassing..." You thought to yourself as you held back a laugh. You get up and quickly wash yourself and change into your uniform. You rush down the stairs to grab a snack and head to RAD, your bestie Ki accompanying you. "How was your sleep?" She asked groggily wiping her eyes. "My sleep was great, belphie slept with me all night." You answered. You laughed and asked how her night was, though one look at her and you already know the answer. "Not...not the greatest, ha" She yawned, each restless night her eye bags grew more prominent. Something that Asmo pointed out everyday, even measuring how big they've gotten. You nodded and sighed, "It'll get better, I promise." you assured the red-head. "Hmm. I hope, but uh lucky." She said nonchalantly. Of course she was a bit jealous, but at the same time, why was she into a guy that caused her such trauma? You push the cold gates open and proceed walking to the school, you had heard running behind you. "Bestie Ki, do, do you hear running?" you asked in order to reassure your intuition, she nodded and yawned. You turn around to see Mammon and Levi trying to catch up to you guys. You held your bestie's forearm in an attempt to get her to stop walking as to give Mammon and Levi the chance to catch up to them.

"Mammon" You said with a warm, inviting smile. You opened your arms, as you were inviting him to hug you. Mammon felt the warmth and the sincerity from a mile away and ran into the hug. Mammon ruffled Ki's hair, as to acknowledge her existence. "Awe, no hug for me Ki?" Levi asked, as he was jealous of Mammon getting affection but simultaneously understanding that "yucky" otaku's like him don't deserve such things. "Dude, I'm tired. You're going to have to initiate everything today." She said passively as he scooped her up into a hug. Mammon shook his head and drew his attention back to you, "So how were things yesterday?" He asked, genuinely concerned about your well-being. "I noticed you weren't yourself yesterday and I tried to check in on you, but bel threatened me with a switchblade..." He trailed off. You giggled "Things, were, okay. I just had so much to think about that I wasn't hungry anymore" you explained, as you didn't want to worry him too much. You found his story cute, at least he tried. You hold out your hand to Mammon, as if to signal to hold hands as you guys walk there. It couldn't hurt right? As you were holding hands with Mammon, Levi was giving Ki a piggyback ride as she was passed out. You laughed "She passed the fuck out huh, I guess you got the affection you were trying to get?" you teased. Levi blushed and shook his head. Mammon was ecstatic, as he hasn't felt your soft warm hands for quite awhile. Ever since Satan has been warming up to you, he didn't have the chance to hang out with you alone. Maybe, this is the time to shoot his shot. "Hey, Lyric. I ain't into studying and all that, but...would you like to help me study today." He asked you. You were surprised and accepted his proposal, you reassured him by lightly squeezing his hand. You didn't mind using your Friday to help Mammon study, after all, this could help you solidify the decision you were about to make. Levi sighed "This reminds me of "My Best Friends Are Falling in Love, but My Crush is a Narcoleptic Succubus so I'm Third Wheeling all the Time." All you could do was laugh, all you could think is "what the hell do you actually watch levi??". Mammon rubbed the bridge of his nose as each time he hears one of Levi's stupid anime titles he loses 1/3 of his brain cells, which is significant because he didn't have many to start with. 

Once you got to the courtyard of the school, you had to say your goodbyes to Ki and Mammon and head off with Levi to your classes. 

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