CH5| "When I do something I never thought I would [I]"

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"Coffee, milk, or Juice?" Louisa asked waking me up from my thoughts about last night when I figured out a strange mystery

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"Coffee, milk, or Juice?" Louisa asked waking me up from my thoughts about last night when I figured out a strange mystery

Louisa was the part-time Household helper, Ander introduced me to her this morning. He described how she always dressed in outmoded gowns and dull pastel aprons, and how she spoke like it was the 19th century, with her British-Irish accent. She had shoulder-length curly blonde hair, black eyes with a fair complexion. She had wrinkles over her hand and face which made it look like she was probably in her 50's. But to me, she seemed like a sweet but weird lady.

"Um, I'll just have plain milk," I said sounding doubtful

"Okay, Just a second" Louisa said turning towards the other side of the kitchen counter. 

"So, how do you like living here?" Ander asked who was sitting beside me, still in his Pajamas with messy hair. It looked like he just got out of his bed and showed up.

"It's nice" I replied. Genuinely, I didn't know what to reply. He basically asked me how's it feel to be living in a mansion that is decorated by bodyguards on the outside and is so enormous, you can get lost and plus, living with your unremembered brothers, one of whom doesn't even bother to say hello.

"There you go," Louisa said passing me a glass of milk and Ander his Pineapple Juice. "Anything else, young lady?" 

"No thank you," I said with a petite smile

"Oh! You need to eat more young lady, no wonder you are skin and bones" She said in a sweet but weird voice 

For some reason, I blushed at that statement, Even though I wasn't that skinny. I looked just like any other fifteen-year-old. According to me, I ate enough, 2 pieces of waffles are enough for breakfast. But if you look at Ander's plate (which had breakfast for at least 3 people), mine was definitely not much.

"I'll take this to Darren's room," She told as she left carrying a tray with breakfast in it.

"Don't worry, Even she calls me young man and other weird names with her British-Irish accent" Ander said after Louisa left

"Don't say like that! She's so nice, you can't judge someone by their voice, and her voice isn't weird," I tried my best not to be rude to Ander

"Fine" he mumbled "Her family has been working for the traces for a long time" He sighed "And trust me they all spoke like that, but she just works here every Tuesday"

"Who cooks the rest of the days?" I asked hoping the response wouldn't be a personal chef because that was a little too much fanciness for me to handle.

"Either, River or Ryder, that's the only resemblance between them, they both love to cook" 

"Oh" I didn't expect that answer at all

"But they never cook together" He continued "You are meeting with Kaylee today, right? he said as he took a sip from his pineapple juice

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