chapter 8

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The next few days were kinda blured together for Dream. He had stayed in the mansion for a couple of days but still managed to keep his mask on and for others to see what he looks like.

He had talked to Remus about not telling anyone about how he looked and was glad that he has someone who understands. He even let Remus be the only one that could see him without his mask on.

Now, he had a nice warm shower. He gotten dressed and placed on his mask by the time everyone else was ready.

"It's time to go to Diagon Alley." Harry stiffly said. He went to a pot near the fire place and grabbed some powder that looked like drugs to Dream and he kinda flinch at that but kept quiet. "All you do is throw this green powder known as floo powder into the fire place and shout Diagon Alley like this."

He did exactly that and so did Hermione. Dream just stared before he gets up and did exactly that and found himself in the fire place. Dream walked out of it and Ron just appeared.

"How did you do that?" Dream asked

"I apparated, Harry and Hermione can also do it but you couldn't so they showed you how to come through floo travel." He replied

"Right so first to gringotts then wands then robes." Hermione stated

They walked out to the street and then carried on walking towards this white building which looked beautiful to Dream. They walked inside and inside were loads of goblins.

"Why's this place filled with goblins?" Dream asked as he looks around the place. He was confused but continues to walk while his adjust his mask.

"Tell you later" Hermione told me "I'm going to exchange my money, Dream come with me."

He followed Hermione to a goblin.

"I would like to exchange this please," she gave the goblin £30 which he soon replaced with weird looking coins, "Dream, give your money to exchange."

Dream sighs and takes out his wallet. He takes out the money.

"Is this alright?" He asks the goblin as he handed the money.

The goblin that was serving them nodded and started to exchanged the money. The goblin handed the galleons and sickles to Dream. Both Hermione and Dream soon left with Harry and Ron.

They soon stopped at a shop saying Olivander's.

They went inside. Dream saw a white haired man. He then beckoned him to come forward. The male smiles and asked, "Ah, the grandson of Voldemort, you've come here for a wand obviously, hmm try this one,"

He took a wand of the shelf and gave it to him. Dream just stared at the wand.

"Well, give it a wave!"

He gave it a wave and nothing happened. Olivander took it back and gave him another wand. The same thing happened. This cycle kept on happening for a good half an hour.

" You're a tricky customer, let's see, hmm. I've made this wand ages ago but so far it hasn't liked anyone I've tried it with."

He gave Dream the wand, he gave it a flick and some green light came out. In it, there were shapes of a mask.

"10'inch Alder wood, core unicorn hair, a brittle. 7 galleons and 6 sickles please." Dream handed him the money and then headed towards the robe store.

They went in and saw a whitish- Blondish haired boy. Harry glares at the other as the boy glared back.

He turned to Dream and said, "Who is this, Mudblood?" He sneered at him.

Dream wasn't faze by it. He slowly turns towards the other which scared alot of people that was watching the interaction since Dream has his mask on it made it creepier.

"Dream." Dream said to the other.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Why are you are with these Flithy Gryffindors?"

"As much as these guys hate me and obviously don't want to be with me, I would rather stay with them than go with someone who is stuck up." Dream said in a calm voice. He didn't give the other any time to react as he turns away from the other.

A woman came in and measured all of them. She found us the right size of robes and then they went back to 12 Grimmauld place.


I have decided to try and write everyday because I think you guys suffered enough of not me updating.

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