Chapter 1

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Stark Cabin

I woke up to my alarm. I roll over on my bed to my nightstand and turn it off. I sighed and got out of bed. I went downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast and Happy sitting down at the table. I go over there and sit down. "Good Morning." Happy greeted. I yawned and smiled as a greeting. My mom set down the waffle and put some syrup on them. I thanked her and started eating my waffles. Mom sat down and talked to me, "So, School today. You excited?"

I swallowed my food and responded, "No, not really. Why can't you just keep homeschooling me?"

Mom sighed. She looked at me and smiled. Her usual warm smile. "Sweetheart, I'm very busy. I don't have the time to homeschool you now. And plus it would be great if you made friends."

"But, mom, if your to busy, why can't Peter or Happy homeschool me?" Happy looked up at the mention of his name. He looked at mom, wanting to know why his name was called. My mom shook her head as if telling him he can continue eating. So that's what he did. I look back at my mom, wanting an answer. She looked back at me and answered, "Morgan, Happy is busy. He has things to do. And Peter, well, he's Spider-man. And he's going to be a dad. By that I'm pretty sure he very busy."

I sighed knowing it's true. He and MJ got married 2 years ago. It was a nice wedding. Not too big. It fit them. Peter and MJ had just announced that they are going to have a kid.

I nodded. We finished breakfast and I went up to my room. I got my outfit on (It was pretty basic). I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. My pmom and Happy must be waiting outside because they weren't in the house anymore. I went outside and closed the door behind me. Mom and Happy were on the porch. I went over to them. When they noticed me they got up from sitting. Mom came over to me. She said, "Happy's taking you to school. I have to head down to Stark Industries." I nodded.

She kissed my head and got in her car. Me and Happy waved to her as she left. When she was finally gone Happy looked over to me and asked, "You ready?"

I nodded. We went over to the car and we got in. He drove me all the way to school. I was going to Midtown High School. That's where Peter went. When we got there I said bye to Happy and headed inside.

Midtown High School

I went over to my locker. I opened it and put all my stuff in there. I got out some of my books and put them in my backpack. I then start to head to English class because that was my first class on my schedule.

I went inside the classroom. Kids were already there. I didn't know anyone. I found an empty seat. I went over there and sat down. A couple minutes later a girl comes over and sits next to me. She has black hair and dark brown eyes. We sit there in silence. A couple seconds later the teacher comes in. He sets his stuff down on his desk. He faces us and says, "Good Morning, Class." The rest of the class says greetings back.

After class, as I'm heading out the girl I was sitting next to came towards me. I stop. She smiles at me. I can tell it's a fake smile.

"Hi, I'm Stacy. Your the new girl, right?" I nod. "What's your name?"

"My names Morgan." She gives me a look. I'm guessing she wants to hear my last name. "Morgan Stark."

She looks surprised. "Morgan Stark? As in Tony Stark's daughter?" I nod. "Nice to meet you, Morgan. I'm sorry about your dad."

I hate it when people say that. I don't need a reminder that's he's gone. I already have a reminder. It's not seeing him anymore. But I can't get mad at her, she doesn't know.

"Thanks." Is all I say. What am I supposed to say to that. She smiles. "What class do you have next?" Stacy asked.

"Chemistry." She looks bummed.

"I have Spanish." I nod.

"Look I gotta go." I say. She nods. I smile and head to Chemistry.

I enter the classroom. I only see one empty seat. It was next to a guy. I go and sit next to him. He looks at me and smiles. He has black hair and greens eyes. He's kinda cute. I smile at him and face the teacher. He says what a lot of teachers say to their class. "Good Morning."

After he tells us what to do the guy next to me looks at me then says, "Hello, I'm Matthew Greyson."

"Hi, I'm Morgan, Morgan Stark." He doesn't seem to care much about my last name. He isn't bringing up my dad. The only thing he says is, "It's nice to meet you Morgan." He smiles. I smile back. We then start on our work.

After class I go to French class. I sit down. A girl comes over to me and sits down in the seat next to me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She smiled at me and said, "Hi, I'm Gwen."

"I'm Morgan Stark." She smiled. She also didn't care about my last name. I smiled back at her. We turn backed to the teacher and listened.

After school I was waiting for Happy to pick me up. I still don't see his car but I see a red car that looks exactly like Peter's. It's coming toward me. It stops and the windows go down. It is Peter. I walk over to his car and ask him, "Why are you here? And where's Happy?"

"First of all Hello. Second I'm picking you up."

I don't question anything and get in. He starts the conversation by asking, "How was school?"

"Fine. This is a one girl in French class was nice. Also this boy in Chemistry." He looks at me. A mischievous look. I roll my eyes knowing what he's thinking. "We just said Hi to each other."

"Mm-hm." I change the subject and say, "How's MJ?"

"Fine." We sit in silence for a second. He breaks the silence and says, "Can you believe it? I'm going to be a dad in 3 months."

"Your going to be a great dad, Peter. I know you will." He smiles at me. We continue driving home. Talking about random stuff.

The Little Starkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें