Chapter 9

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It was a week after Mother's Day. I woke up and since it was Sunday again so I had no school. After I got changed I went to the garage. I was going through my dads suits like (I do whenever I miss him) when I saw something. It was the suit Friday told me dad made me. I had almost forgot about it. I had decided a month ago that I wanted to be like dad. But I never got around to tell mom or Peter. I quickly went inside and headed to the kitchen. Mom was making breakfast. I went over to her and said, "Mom, I found the suit again. The one dad made for me. And well I made this decision a long time ago I just never got around to telling you and Peter. But I want to be like dad. I want to help people. I took a lot of time to think about it but I do. I want to help people." I ramble. Moms reaction was surprising she smiled.

"Okay, if that's what you want then okay. But are you sure you've thought this through?" She asks. I nod reassuringly. "I'll call Peter. Help you figure out the suit. Or have you figured it out?"

"Kinda. But not really. And how would Peter help me?" I ask.

"Well, he had the Iron Spider suit. So I'm pretty sure he would know how to work it out." She explained. I look at her with questionable eyes but nod. After a while there was a knock on the door. I come downstairs to see Peter there. I go over to him and gave him a hug. "So Pepper tells me you want to be like Mr. Stark." He says. I nod. "Do you know how the suit works?"

"Kinda. I mean not all the way. But I kinda do." I say. He nods. He looks at mom and she nods.

"Look, I'll help you figure out the suit. And help you with some other things. But the rest is on you." He says. "I know." I say. He nods and we go to the garage. He starts helping me the suit and with some other stuff.

The Next Day

I'm heading to school. Peter and I had figured out the suit. And he helped me with other stuff. Happy was driving me to school. After saying goodbye to him I went to my locker inside the school. As I was getting my books out someone said, "Hey, Stark." I immediately became irritated by that voice because I knew exactly who it belonged to. It was Stacy. I turned around to face her. "How was your weekend." She says, acting like she hasn't been the most horrible person in the world to me.

"It was good. I got to hand out with the Avengers." I say. She quickly changed her look to one of irritation. "Yeah. Uncle Thor, Uncle Quill, Uncle Rhodes, Uncle Clint, Uncle Sam, Aunt Wanda, Aunt Carol, and all the other Avengers came over." She seemed to become more irritated at the mention of their names. I just smirked.

"Well, you can't have hung out with all the Avengers, since The Black Widow, Captain America, Vision and Iron Man are dead. I find that funny. Their Avengers they should have survived easily. Or were they to weak." She says. That's where she really hit rock bottom.

"You can talk all you want about me. But never bring up Aunt Nat, Uncle Steve, Uncle Vision and my dad. Because without their sacrifices you would not be here. Aunt Nat died for the soul stone. Uncle Steve has risked his life for everyone for ages. Uncle Vision died so the mind stone could go. It didn't work out but he still was willing to die. And my dad died for half the universe. How many times do I have to tell you." I say. I was so close to punching this girl again. But before I could someone grabbed me by the arm. I turn around to seem Matthew. He had grabbed me by the arm probably because he saw me about to punch Stacy.

"Stacy." He said, looking her straight in the eyes. "Matthew." She says, looking back at him. He then turned to me. "Why were you gonna punch her?" He asks.

"I wasn't going to punch her." I said. I shook my arm out of his grip. "Yes, you were. Your dad must be so disappointed." Stacy said. She then left. It was probably the smartest idea. I grab the rest of my books and slam my locker door. I was heading to class when Matthew shouted, "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" I yell before heading to class. I was so done with Stacy. Like does she not have a limit of insulting people. And I'm so done with Matthew. He thinks just because he broke up with Stacy I'm automatically going to like him. Where's Gwen when you need her? She had been absent today, for what reason I don't know, but she was.

The whole school day all I could think about was the suit. Peter told me if he ever needed help with something he would call me. Which I doubt because he would be to overprotective. But whatever. Mom also said it was okay if I wanted to be like dad. But that I shouldn't do anything to dangerous. That's the whole point. Helping people and fighting bad guys isn't safe. But who was I kidding I was never going to be like dad. I mean no one can be like him. He was Iron Man. No one can live up to him. Especially not me. I mean I have the suit and everything. But I'm just not like him. I will never be like him. Not even Peter could live up to dad and he's Peter. I just don't know if I want to do this anymore. But I mean I kinda have to. I have the suit and I can't just put it to waist. I spend the whole day focusing on the suit.

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