Chapter 10

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Betty's POV

I was cooking at home when I get a call, from MJ. I pick it up and say, "Hey."

"Hi. Betty, could you come over?"  She says. She sounds a bit panicked.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because the baby is coming." She says. Without hesitation I say, "Yeah, we're on our way." And I hang up.

I go to Ned and pick up our son, Jonathan. Ned looks at me confused. "MJ's having the baby. We need to go." I say quickly. He nods and gets up.

MJ and Peter's House

We knock on the door and a second later someone opens it. It's MJ. We come in and I immediately ask her, "Where's Peter? Did you call him?"

"He's out doing whatever he does as Spider-Man. I don't even know to this point. And I did try calling him but he wouldn't answer." She says. I nod and we head out of the house.

At The Hospital

I was in the hospital bed when I decided to call Peter again. Why didn't he pick up the first time though? What if something happened to him? I shake the thought out of my head and call him again. I waited and waited but he still didn't answer. I gave up and called May.

"Hey, Michelle." She said.
"Hi, May. Um, can you possibly call Peter. He didn't pick up when I called him. And I need him now." I say.
"What for?" She asks.
"The baby's coming. And I need him to come to the hospital." I say.
"Yeah, okay. I'll call him." She says and hangs up.

While she was calling him, I decided to call Pepper (she was like Peter's 2nd mom).

"Hello?" She greets
"Hi, Pepper. Umm, Do you know where Peter is?" I ask. I know I've been asking a lot of people, but I am having his child.
"No, why do you ask?" She asks.
"The baby's coming. I'm in the hospital with Betty and Ned. But I can't get a hold of Peter." I say.
"Okay. Well, Morgan and I are on our way. Have you tried calling Peter again?" She asks.
"No, I will though." I say and hung up.

Well now Pepper and Morgan are coming. Not that I'm complaining. I just really need Peter to be here. I do what Pepper said and call him again.

Peter's POV

I was stopping some guys from robbing a bank. It reminded me of when I stopped those guys with the masks like the Avengers. I was finishing webbing up the last guy when I get a call. I pull out my phone and see it's MJ calling. I answer and she immediately says,

"Why haven't you answered my calls! I've called you three times and you didn't pick up! Peter I was so worried! Peter the baby's coming!"
I stand there shocked. She called me three times and I didn't pick up. She was having the baby. My child, our child. And I was over here stopping a stupid robbery, when the cops could have handled that. I quickly respond with, "Umm, Are you at the hospital? Is there someone there with you?"
"Yes, I'm at the hospital. And Betty and Ned are here. And Morgan and Pepper are on there way. But I need you Peter. Now!" She says.
"I'm on my way." I say and hang up. I had already called the cops so they would be in their way. I quickly starting webbing all the way to the hospital.


I was getting ready to push (Betty was with me) when I suddenly said, "Wait. I can't. I can't do this without him. I can't do this without Peter. I can't, I can't. He has to be here." I don't know why, but I needed him. I needed him to be there. Betty grabbed my hand and said, "MJ, it's going to be okay. I'm right here with you. It going to be okay. You can do this." I took a deep breath and nodded. I can do this, I can do this I kept replaying in my mind.

Peter's POV

I was rushing to the hospital. Swinging as fast as I could. I could not miss the birth of my child. Of my son. I suddenly found the hospital and swung there. The window was open, which was great. I guess they knew I would go through the window. I swung in and immediately saw MJ and Betty there. I take off my mask and go over to them. Betty immediately stopped holding MJ's hand so I could. I go over to MJ and hold her hand. Betty nods to me and heads out. I kiss her forehead and tell her, "I'm here. Sorry I was late. But I'm here now."

After the Baby is Born

I stand next to MJ as the doctor bring our new baby boy in. She hands him to MJ. She then leaves the room.

"He looks just like you, Peter." MJ says. I smile wide. This was it. I'm a father. I was going to take this kid to kindergarten. And I was going to help him with girls. And he was probably going to look up to me. What if he's just like me? What if he can climbs walls and has super strength? I shake the thought out of my mind and focus on my family. "What do you wanna name him?" MJ asks.

"Well, I have been thinking. What about Benjamin Anthony Parker." I suggest. Ever since I found out we were having a boy I've been wanting to name him after Uncle Ben and Mr. Stark. They've done so much for me and I wanted to name my son after them.

"Peter, that's a nice name. Is it after Tony Stark and your Uncle Ben?" She asks. I nod. She smiles. "Alright. Benjamin Anthony Parker."

Then we hear a knock on the door. "Come in." We say in unison. The door opens to reveal May, Ned, Betty, Pepper and Morgan.

"Hey." I say.

"Were you almost late?" Morgan asked. I looked down and noticed I was still in my suit.

"Yeah, but I made it." I say.

"Great you made it. Now have you guys chosen a name for my grandson." May says. I laugh.

"Meet Benjamin Anthony Parker." MJ says. May, Pepper and Morgan faces all grew a smile.

"After your Uncle Ben?" May asks. I nod.

"Yeah, my two father figures. The men I looked up to." I say. MJ looks back up to me and smiles. I lean down and kiss her, softly. I pull away and we face the rest of them again. I had a family. I had a son, a wife, a sister, a best friend, I had May and Pepper. I was the luckiest guy in the world. I think Mr. Stark would be proud. Just like him, I will protect my son with all my life. This was my family.

Authors Note- This is more of a chapter of Spideychelle. Not much Morgan. I just wanted to do how Ben is born. But after this it's all about Morgan. Hope your enjoying.

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