Badly injured

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Y/n Pov

I was sitting in a room all alone, I heard a ton of noise. Nurses rushing down the hallway, monitors beeping like crazy, some people screaming and crying 'All I want is my daddy, I don't to be alone in this room anymore'. I thought to my self as I cried to my arm, i felt like I was running out of air. I couldn't stop shaking 'To loud' I kept repeating to my self while rocking my self back and forth when the door to my hospital room opened.

I saw my uncle walk in and rush to hug me "OH MY GOD, THANK GOD YOU ARE OKAY!". I couldn't help but to cry to him, he cupped my face with his hands, they felt warm and cozy. He gave me the mom feeling, I never had. With his thumbs, he wiped my tears from my face.

"I promise you everything will be okay, alright!? Promise me you will stay strong?". He ran a hand down my (h/l) hair, i nodded "Where is daddy?". I asked worried and eager to see him. My uncles face dropped, but tried keeping a smile "daddy should be fine in no time". I saw my uncle start crying "he always has been kiddo, your daddy is very strong".

He looked at the stitches on my eye brow, it really hurted but the doctor said it's normal that will hurt. "That's gonna leave a detailed scar..." I heard my uncle mumbled under his breath. He sighed "Can You tell me what exactly happened, if it's to much you don't have to. I'm pretty sure Toshi will tell me".

You took a deep breath, trying to form a sentence other then just 'where is dad'

(Flash back to a couple of hours ago)

Me and daddy were on a walk, he thought it will be a good idea to get ice cream! And I really love ice cream. I was holding my dads hand, we were laughing and joking. Well him mostly making the jokes, and me laughing at them. I think my daddy will make a great person to tell jokes, he is very funny.

Everything was going Amazing! Until a loud boom was heard, after that felt something hit me and everything went black. I could my dad yelling my name "Y/N!!! DARLING! PLEASE STAY WITH ME. Y/N WAKE UP!". I couldn't... I wanted to but I was to tired.

There was at some point I was able to open my eyes, I was being held by a woman and she started asking me questions "He-Hey little one?! Are you okey?! I promise daddy will be back". All I could get out was "where is daddy". "Why does my head hurt?" "What's happening".

Out of nowhere I heard a familiar voice "FEAR NOT CITIZENS, FOR I AM HERE". I turn my head to see my dad walking out the fire and smoke with a lot of people on his arms. I couldn't help but smile, even through a scary moment like this he was smiling... then everything went back dark.

(End of Flash back)

I paid close attention to the small child as she tried to make up sentences, after sentence. For a three year old, she was pretty smart. Toshi was doing great on racing her. After a couple of minutes, she managed to tell me what happened in her own words.

From the cut on the eye brow and couple of bruises, the explosion was pretty close to her but I know that wasn't any explosion... but that is her fathers job to tell her... not me. I fixed my glasses "My Poor little baby" i picked her up and started to gently rock her back and forth.

I saw as her eyes , turned heavy and soon after closed shut. 'Toshinori Yagi will hear from me' I put the chid slowly back in her bed, and sat down on the chair next to the bed to wait patiently an update on Toshi. "All for one, really did a lot of damage this time." I whispered to my self.

I glanced over to small sleeping girl and sighed "this was a close call Toshinori, if you die or if that girl died Michelle would've our heads for dinner" rubbed my face of frustration.
After a couple of more hours a nurse walked in "Hello? I'm here to check on small Y/n and gives you updates of your h-" I blushed and cut her off "haha! He is just my brother in law but please do proceed". The nursed bowed "oh my! My apologies!" She straight her self up.

"Well Y/n will stay here for a night or two, sense the impact she suffered was pretty bad. Recovery girl is to busy, so we had to deal with it our selfs but when she is free, she will come here and do her part, however"

I slightly panicked "She will need counseling, and a lot of it. When big events like this happen to kids with her age, they tend to develop PTSD. Of course we will run some test, but therapy wouldn't be a bad thing. Is better to be safe then sorry." I nodded agreeing with her.

"Now... About Mr. Yagi. I'm going to be straight forward, he is in every bad conditions. He is awake, talking, breathing, non stop asking about his daughter Y/n. Recovery girl did everything she could but sadly... he won't be living the normal life of a hero. He still can be a hero but he will have his limits, and will have to see recover y girl for the rest of his living life."

Those words did hurt, the fact that my good friend wouldn't be the same will be a very rough patch for all of us. "What exactly happened to him?" I asked.

She took the deep breath " he took a very bad hit on the left side of his upper Abdomen, along aside of other doctors and recovery girl. We tried to recover all the tissue we could, unfortunately... some how, some way, part of his stomach was got caught in all of this. Leaving us to late to salvage the damage part."

This is bad ... that's all I could think. "Good thing is, he is eating and drinking. So that's a good sign, but he has to stay on soft foods and mostly water for a while to get the stomach used to working with what's left of it. We have to make sure , all of his organs are working properly so we have to a vowel movement and also in the Blatter."

I let out a sigh of relief as she continued " Unlike Y/n he will have to stay a bit longer , to run some test and monitor him closely because the first few days will be Hell for the poor man other than that he should be fine! Feel free to come see him anytime, and feel free to bring him see Y/n if he can move".

I stood up and bowed "thank you all for your hard work! You guys are the hero's of heroes". She lets out a gentle smile "Anything for those who sacrifices their life for us" with that show bowed and exited the room.

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