behind the scenes #3: 7 And A Half Wishes

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I'm supposed to be studying right now. 

BUT I thought why not make a Behind The Scenes series for my books as I completed them? Here's the BTS (hehe) of 7 AND A HALF WISHES, a Bang Chan fanfiction. 


So I started off with the raw idea of making a sob story because honestly, I hadn't written one in a long time and i THINK I'm good at writing them (do you think so too?) 

If you know me from 2018, then you might've come across one of my Kim Seokjin fanfictions called SHAMELESS AND SUICIDAL. It was written really badly and I recycled the idea of the same story. Now that you - the early readers - know this, you might find similarities between the two stories. 

The original idea was to make Chan a happy and cheerful guy who comes across Yuna, a girl with leukemia, who is very pessimistic and wants to die. So they somehow meet up and they go on a journey to fulfill her last few wishes. 

But it seemed too lame for me, so I made Chan's character suffer from a mental illness and Yuna a person who is inwardly very insecure but knows how to hide her inhibitions well. 

Then some of you said that Yuna was coming off as a very plastic character, so I added chapters from her point of view when it wasn't supposed to be that way; but it's good that I did because the story became slightly more descriptive. 

I decided that the epilogue should be a poem longggg ago, like before even penning down the first five chapters. The poem had been lying in my documents since 2020. 

Then came the ending. When I tell you I was SO confused, I am not lying. I mean, I knew that she was gonna die ever since the start of the story, but I didn't know how to end it, do you get me? 

I thought that her seventh wish would be to burn her diary which she had hid from everyone all this time, and Chan reads it after she's gone and finds their picture together on the last page, captioned, "It's been a good life with you." 

See, that's kinda sad too, but it's too cliche (not like the ending i wrote now isn't cliche as well-) for my taste, and that's when somebody saved my life. 

Kokumotsu unknowingly gave me the idea for the end so THANK YOU LOVEEEEEEE!! 

I even received some comments from you guys in the earlier chapters about how I shouldn't kill Yuna, and I was like, "Honey, you've got a big storm coming." 

Anyways, this is it!! Imma go write something else! XD 

Shameless promo: If you guys like Attack On Titan, then I've made a comedy fanfic for it called THE OFFICE. Pleaseeeee check it out and give it some love!! :D  

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