life updates (who cares, i don't)

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Hello, my precious Maydays! How are you all doingggggggggggg? :DDDD

If you can't tell already, I'm too energetic on just a single cup of coffee. at this point, even idk how this happens. 

It's literally 6 AM after i wrote Noisy Neighbor's new chapter (if you're reading it, trust me, you'll love the new chapter!!!) and i think i need to dye my hair. it's an impulse. if i don't dye my hair rn, i'll probably jump off a cliff. 

*proceeds to jump off a cliff bec i'd be disowned if i dye my hair* 


- My exams are approaching, they begin from 3rd of January, and i'm already half insane 

- There's another set of exams called CUET (no it's not CUTE is CUET), which are basically the entrance exams to colleges. since i have to do post grad, i'll have to take them in March. now the issue is that my dream course in my city has like 13 seats for the general category, and i am not smart enough to actually score like 99% or so. therefore, i am stressed but i don't let it show because conceal don't feel don't let them knowwwwwwwwww~~ 

- i am actually quite excited about Christmas because i am meeting my cousins on 25th, and YK ABOUT THE DECO MY TREE THINGY? yeah I GOT LIKE 6 TREES BY NOW- I WANNA READ ALL OF THEM NDJAMDJODNONSCOKDNSOCKNSDCKP

- OKAY HAHAHAHA GET THIS: there was an event at my college and there were food stalls, and the first one we went to had Honey Chili Potatoes written as "HONNY CHILLY PATTO" and istg we didn't take that well (we laughed for an hour and put that as the title of our groupchat) 

- my doc said that i have defeated almost all the symptoms of depression, and i might be fully cured in a few months!!!! GUYS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- 

- i am secretly writing 3 new stories, out of which one is going to be released soon ;))

- i dont have much to tell because i am literally on the verge of insanity like i thought i heard smth in the middle of the night in my house and i started singing Antifragile 



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