facts about me?

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This book is the randomest thing I've ever written. Or maybe not. You can never tell with me. 

FACTS ABOUT ME! HERE WE GO!! Let me exert my self-obsession on you guys until I cry of cringe a month later~~

1) I can control my dreams. Like, I can choose what dream to watch, and switch the dream if it gets bad or boring, and am aware in the dream that I'm dreaming. It's like surfing through TV channels and choosing what you wanna watch. Although I sometimes choose to watch the dreams that end up making me cry and impacting me, I kinda like it- 

2) I like to write letters to people. I don't know why but I'm probably still living in the Victorian age and writing letters. I don't always show them to people, so you can assume that I have written letters for a few of you too ;)) (also to Chan but shhhh)

3) I was sexually assaulted once. I'm saying this in such a casual tone because I honestly see the person every day and it's broken me to such an extent that I barely feel anything, just discomfort with them. I know that it's not the right approach, but I cannot disclose this fact to anyone in real life because it would break families and I cannot let that happen. 

4) I have finished writing a whole novel that I've been sending to publishers, as well as a whole poetry compilation. No luck so far, but I'm not giving up :D 

5) I once did not sleep for 12 days straight and ended up having a 105.5-degree C fever. Like, it was terrible, I could no longer stand or walk on my own for a week. I was told that I was given injections, too, but apparently, I have no memories of it??? 

6) I am wayyyy more delulu than you think I am :")))

Oh, well, what was the point of this? 


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